Transplanting.....and a couple quick questions.


Well-Known Member
So I have 2 plants my bubble gum and my super skunk and I think my super skunk is ready to be transplanted.... and I just wanted to know what the best way to transplant is??? Shes about 3 1/2 to 4 weeks old in veg and for some reason she tends to droop about every 3 days. but when I give her water she springs back to life ....but her leaves will curl a bit as well??? See the pics below.

so my questions are......

Transplanting.... how to do it.

How often do plants usually take in water at that age?

Whats it mean when leaves at top of plant curl??

and finally all the dead leaves on bottom of plant, do you leave those on?? or take them off and how do you take them off??

Thanks for any help......

im thinking of flowering in a week cause i have a rubbermaid stealth grow box and need to allow some room. any input on that would be cool as well. ill post some pics of that later.



Well-Known Member
Looks like your getting light damage. Make a batch of einstein oil + coco wet + hydrogen peroxide as a foliar spray. Mositened your plant with straight water prior to using your einstein folair spray ( it serves as a fungicide and miticide ). Locate your pot your going to use to transplant and saturate it with water. Then place your soil about 2/3 the full capacity and then start making a hole that you will think that will fit your existing root ball coming from your existing plant in container. Use a blunt instrument like a cake cutter or even a ruler and go around the edges of the inside perimeter of your pot. Carefully dislodge the root ball and transplant swiftly but carefully so the roots are not exposed to light too long. Pack in more soil for a snug fit and water. I recommend vit B1 1/2 to 2 tbs with 1 ml ofhydrogen peroxide / gal of H2O ( reduces transplant shock ). Good luck it takes practice though easy to fumble a root ball. Dead leaves take them off they provide a means for inviting pests and they serve no purpose to you.


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using? Stop for now and keep giving it pure PH'd water. I water my plants in 1gal containers that are 12inches about every 2-3 days. You should check the soil with a finger, if it feels dry down to the 2nd knuckle (think your girlfriend) its time to water.

As far as Xplanting I just remove the pot, soak the roots and the soil in the new pot, and stick it in the hole and cover. Iv always watered extensively during xplant. If you stop nuting now and xplant to a pot filled with a good organic soil you will be set.

As for the leaves, leave em alone till further notice.

Edit: I think it might be under watering if they perk up every time you water. Need to know if your using nutes to tell you what the yellow is from
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Well-Known Member
No need to foliar spray, its more than likely NOT light damage, looks like nutrient burn. Do what speed suggested, its good advice.


Well-Known Member
No need to foliar spray, its more than likely NOT light damage, looks like nutrient burn. Do what speed suggested, its good advice.
You never foliar spray to decrease chances of mite invasion or fungal invasion prior to transplanting? Would you rather prevent a possible problem in the future or just treat when a problem comes? But you are right did not look at all the pics it is a nutrient toxicity. But the first few pics do suggest light damage.


Well-Known Member
When I transplanted back in my soil days I would put nerw soil in larger pot, about halfway, then tap old pot on bottom and let whole rootball come out, put in new pot, pack new soil around it all and water with a few gallons of superthrive treated water, a few days later it was perky as a cheerleader. Pretty much how speed described it.