Transplant question!


Well-Known Member
Im curious about transplanting my baby. She is about 4-5 inches atm, but in papercup. Im looking to prob 15" beforei flower cause i dont want the final plant to get over 3 feet. What should i switch to from my papercup. And what is a safe way to do it?


Well-Known Member
i start my seedlings in soft drink cups, then when they get about 5 in. tall i transplant into 3/5 gallon buckets. just use good soil and it's best to transplant at night so the roots dont get shocked by the light


Well-Known Member
okay right on, So to transplant it correctly how do i do this? just scoop all the soil out into a new pot? or just the plant? or how should i do it? i was thinking about cutting the cup apart kinda. How do you do it?


Well-Known Member
Fill the larger pot about half full with soil, wet it a little and mix it around. To transplant, just hold your hand over the cup with the main stem in between your fingers then flip it upside down, the whole thing should slip right out of the cup. You can put it directly in the larger pot or you can break up the roots a little with your hands. Then add more soil around the sides/top to fill in the space.

Edit: make sure the soil is wet, but not muddy


Well-Known Member
thanks man! Got any good tips i should use for soil? I dont really have any mixture. I was givin this cup and told to grow :P lol


Well-Known Member
I use FoxFarm OceanForest soil, you can get it from most hydro shops or online (pm me for a link). It's 100% organic and made up of earthworm castings, bat guano, peat moss, and fish/crab meal. It's great stuff and cheap only $18.99 for a big bag.


Well-Known Member
alrighty. ill look around tomorrow and see if i can find some. thanks man. I appreaciate it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a soil grower, but I have seen folks just cut the bottom of the pot and set it in the new, bigger pot...

The original pot stuck out a little bit, like it was only half buried...

That seems like it would completely eliminated transplanting stress, though it may ruin a pot...:lol:

I dunno, just a thought.. as I said, I grow hydro...:eyesmoke: