Transferring Indoor Plants to the Hawaiian Sun During Winter

Whats up everyone! I got three plants that have been vegging under cfls for a couple weeks now and I was considering putting them outdoors. There are plenty of pictures attached and I realize they will probably go straight to flower because we are in winter season, but I hear they will still double or triple in size while flowering. They are really dense right now, but haven't really stretched to their full potential.. All cruising a little under a foot right now, but lots of interior leaves that haven't been getting light from my cfls. I was going to leave them in the pots and cover the soil with some type of plastic to run off the water because I know its rainy season and I don't want the water to soak in there and all my girls to drown. That way I can water them with my nutes too. Okay lets just get to the pics already and I fimmed one of them btw. Any words of advice on transplanting to the outdoors would be appreciated.. Much Mahalo!


Ive never done it myself...but i have mates who have had real good success by taking indoor plants and budding them during winter outdoor...saves electricity costs and gets some of that good old natural sun...just watch out for stormy weather beating on your plants...but like i said seen some amazing bud grown that way
Ive never done it myself...but i have mates who have had real good success by taking indoor plants and budding them during winter outdoor...saves electricity costs and gets some of that good old natural sun...just watch out for stormy weather beating on your plants...but like i said seen some amazing bud grown that way
thanks for the good news. hopefully it will work fine. i'm thinking about giving them a little shade for the first couple days because the direct sunlight might be too intense right away. any of your friends tell you how much the plants grew once they put them outside? i'm hoping they will get bigger but the hours of sunlight in hawaii right now will make them go straight to flowering.
you should be good to go. how much the plant grows during flowering depends on the strain you running
wassup dr. greenhorn. been reading your journal and damn thats impressive. im currently only working with cfls so i i can't really hit all areas of the plants so i'm hoping they will shoot in the sun. just going to feed them a lot of blood meal and hope they stay in veg for a week or so longer. investing in a hps/mh for the next couple girls i got coming. mahalo for the help.