

Well-Known Member
Ok, ive taken 3 whole tramadols, it says take 2 every 3 to 4 hours on the bottle i snithched them from, i took the 3 all at once, about an hour ago. Wtf, do i gotta take more i anint feeling shit.
A) Don't steal drugs from other people!
B) Tramadol is a WEAK! synthetic semi-opiod pain reliever, you need to take a lot in order to get "high" if it is even possible. I don't think that it would be a good idea to try. Maybe if you smoked some weed you could get high, but tramadol? probably not...
The max dose is 8 PER DAY, to minimize the chance of seizures.


Active Member
ive had a bit of experience with tramadol, and it is a great drug. i took 5 the first time i did it, and snorted two of them. the snorting makes it kick in about 30 minutes earlier than it otherwise would, it usually takes about 45 minutes-60 minutes if you just ingest them normally. the high is REALLY enjoyable, and quite strong if you take 8-9. i reccomend it, but you build up a tolerance very fast, so give your self a break between taking them. perhaps about a week or so. i hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
i didnt mean snithcjed as stealing, i was in an accident a few years back out of state, and all my meds were lost in airport luggage when we landed. A few months later, they said someone from missouri mistakenly got it instead of their bag. There are a few bottles of tramadol hcl and some vikadin.


Well-Known Member
I take tramodol for pain but I used to have a real bad problem with other PKs. I was up to morphine sulphate before I woke up and realized I had fucked up many months of my life.

Anyways, I'm not going to preach, but I will tell of my own experiences:

Right before I started vaping I would take 4 trams when I woke up. I would get really pleasantly relaxed about 30 minutes later. The buzz isn't like percs or vics, but it will make you feel like sinking into the couch.

One of the side effects I noticed was my ears ringing. They ring when I take a lot (one of the reasons I don't take as many any more).

I have a prescription but I also have to suplement by purchsing online every few months. They are about as equal in price to vicodine. I stick with the tramadol though because I don't want to get hooked again.

Getting stoned is so much better. You get tolerances too quickly with the PKs and it's absolutely horrible for your overall health.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by vaping? and i have some vicodin i just got today to try tonite, but after reading that i dont know if i should get fucked up off them, how addictive is vicodine to tramadol?


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by vaping? and i have some vicodin i just got today to try tonite, but after reading that i dont know if i should get fucked up off them, how addictive is vicodine to tramadol?
"Vaping" meaning using a vaporizer to smoke weed.

Yeah, vicodin is VERY addictive. Vicodin, percocet, oxycontin, morphine, and heroin are all in the same class of drugs...opiates. They are horribly addictive and extrememly bad on your liver. You hit your ceiling real quick and then you just spend all your money getting more because it's the only way you can keep from feeling like shit.

When you withdraw from opiates it feels like you've got the worst flu in your life and you are so depressed that you feel like crying all the time. You shake and can't get comfortable. You can't think of anything except how miserable you are. You can't sleep because you're every muscle is straining and cramping. This goes on for about a week and then things start to improve.

Sucks dude

Tramodol is a synthetic opiate. The withdrawls (after taking regularly) are a little uncomfortable for a couple days at worse. Still, be careful with that.

Again, I don't mean to preach or anything. I don't care what anyone does as long as it doesn't affect me. But, I don't think there's any harm in letting people know of my experiences. Maybe it'll help keep someone out of a lot of pain.

And yes...I am so baked as I'm typing this :eyesmoke:

Take it from an older dude who's been through the shit...weed is so much better than opiates :mrgreen:
Re: Addiction to tramadol
Ortho-McNeil, the patent holders for Ultram, the "brand" tramadol originally got it approved as a class "6" medication(non controlled, like antibiotics), because they were able to show virtually no addiction potential in their studies. Anyone in the medical community will however tell you that tramadol CAN be addictive, but much less so than other "stronger" opiates.

BTW, thanks for clearing up the "stealing" thing, sorry about the misunderstanding.


Well-Known Member
I am a pain pateint. I take tramadol, morphine sulfate and oxycontin. I take it all but as you can guess i often run outa the other two. Tramadol is a lifesave for that. It helps with withdrawls some and it helps with the pain.

what is find with tramadol is this, i eat liek three or four i chew up one ro two of those and swallow the rest and pretty soon i am wired! I work on my feet but i find that i can run around all day on them. It is nice. The prob is they fuck my stomach up. That is a side effect. It does nto seem serious just a bad stomach pain that goes away after the puills where off. SOmwhere after 300 mg i hurt.

But yeah, i feel energetic. Lol, they like tic tacs when the good stuff gone. Thats why I am growing, to get off the opiates. They seem to last a little less longer and I recently had to move up to morphine too.

Withdrawls, my ass runs and my nose runs. Lol, tru, i gotta get benadryl and i gotta get immodium. Then i gotta grumble till pills come back.


Well-Known Member
Re: Addiction to tramadol
Ortho-McNeil, the patent holders for Ultram, the "brand" tramadol originally got it approved as a class "6" medication(non controlled, like antibiotics), because they were able to show virtually no addiction potential in their studies. Anyone in the medical community will however tell you that tramadol CAN be addictive, but much less so than other "stronger" opiates.

BTW, thanks for clearing up the "stealing" thing, sorry about the misunderstanding.
That's correct. This is why the VA got me on these after I quit morphine (cold turkey I might add...that was a shitty week).

But, I had run out one time and didn't take them for a day. I felt the same kind of flu symptoms coming on associated with opiate withdrawals. This wasn't nearly as severe as the other opiates but it let me know that the synthetic opiates were attaching themselves to the receptors just like natural opiates.

I'd say just be careful with that stuff...but I think I'd rather say just stay away from it. You don't want that gorilla tossing you around in his cage. In the end all you'll be is fucked up and wishing you'd never messed with an animal like that :-)


Well-Known Member
Everyone should steal drugs, get what you can! Get yours and FTW!

Tramadol can fuck you up pretty bad if you eat a lot. They'll make you fuckin puke too.


Well-Known Member
I am a pain pateint. I take tramadol, morphine sulfate and oxycontin. I take it all but as you can guess i often run outa the other two. Tramadol is a lifesave for that. It helps with withdrawls some and it helps with the pain.

what is find with tramadol is this, i eat liek three or four i chew up one ro two of those and swallow the rest and pretty soon i am wired! I work on my feet but i find that i can run around all day on them. It is nice. The prob is they fuck my stomach up. That is a side effect. It does nto seem serious just a bad stomach pain that goes away after the puills where off. SOmwhere after 300 mg i hurt.

But yeah, i feel energetic. Lol, they like tic tacs when the good stuff gone. Thats why I am growing, to get off the opiates. They seem to last a little less longer and I recently had to move up to morphine too.

Withdrawls, my ass runs and my nose runs. Lol, tru, i gotta get benadryl and i gotta get immodium. Then i gotta grumble till pills come back.
Do you get ringing in your ears? I do when I take a lot and I read that this is one of the side affects (although I never heard of anyone else having this issue...maybe because I had ringing in my ears and couldn't hear them :-)

I went through the horror of only seeing a couple pills left in my bottle so many times. Each time was a devastating reminder that I was about to feel like shit and have the flu again until I got my hands on another web refill.

It was the last scrip (morphine) that made me realize I had to find something else. So, I started smoking again (hadn't done that in 15 or 20 years). But, I remembered how paranoid and messed up I felt when I did so I was a little skeptacle about using that as an alternative. After a short time though I got used to it and then I discovered vaporizors.

After that I knew I had to grow because I found that I could harvest at different times to get different affects (earlier for a high and later for sinking into the couch and sleeping) along with different strains. With this I am able to vape 1 or 2 hits of the uplifting stuff in the morning before I go to work and it would be like drinking coffee while helping with the pain. At night I vape the heavy stuff to relax me. I am a senior level programmer and database engineer so my brain is pretty important. It has affected my short-term memory a little (or I just don't worry about all the little things anymore) but I don't care. Something's got to give when you've got to take care of your pain.

I've got my grow card and everything because I figure if I'm going to use this for pain management I should do everything I could to avoid getting busted. I stay pretty stealth though cause I know if the feds get a tickle up their ass they can sweep right in a fuck everyone's day up.

I know I'm not saying anything new here, but after years of being hooked on pain killers, I am just happy to be off them and doing something that works way better and doesn't put me though all the shit that the pills did.

PS: Watch Super High Me if you haven't seen it. It's great. Just watched it and once again it has opened my eyes even more as to the benefits vs the cost of using weed vs oter things.

Okay, done rambling for now :-)


Active Member
i used to take a lot of tramadol.

tramadol withdrawl is NOTHING compared to other opiate withdrawl. believe me.

i've never puked or gotten hardly any (what i would consider) side-effects from them. besides feeling uncomfortable after coming off of a tramadol binge.

a friend of mine took 2 and puked for about an hour straight. all synthetics do it to him.

tramadol can be helpful, it can be fun, and it can be the worst experience for some people.


Active Member
can i just say, trams in my expericence at 17 are not addictive, they make you feel like stoned but not as intense. also they make you feel so comfortable that even a wooden chair feels like heaven. probably the only disadvantage is dehydration(lack of water in your body). drink water while you take them because you will need it otherwise the next day for example if your at work you will probably end up gettin sacked because of your temper dehydration causes....also water helps to make you feel more energetic the next day because if you dont have water you do feel tired and cba attitude!!

overall a bloody good night!!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Ok, ive taken 3 whole tramadols, it says take 2 every 3 to 4 hours on the bottle i snithched them from, i took the 3 all at once, about an hour ago. Wtf, do i gotta take more i anint feeling shit.
dude wtf
repeted thread:sad:

but take fuckin 6 bro and fuckin vegitate for 12hours
smoke sum buds 2

trammies are by far my fave opiates

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
my first time with trammies i popped 6
never puked on the stuff
6 is the magic number until tolerance sets in...

wen i took em man was i feelin great
they make u feel sleepy but u cant sleep on them ive tryed it dont work just too high

speed up the process with a shot of sum 151 or strong alcy.

def smoke a doobie or 2

omg the best high so far besides the promethazine/codiene syrup

never any nausea i took 300mg total

lasts uber long and feels great
actually im bout 2 got pop sum rite now
i stole them from my dads GF

haha lol