toxic sunhut possibly? Last attempt at saving my grow.


Well-Known Member
I have a Sunhut xl (sunlight supply) 4x4x7 white reflective interior tent that I use for flowering. So since last september, almost every plant Ive put in there turns yellow, all the leaves die and I get tiny little buds. Infact 2 mothers I just harvested was turned into hash and I only yeilded about 5 grams- which is the equivelent of about 60 gram of dry trim. Huge plants that didnt have a single cola. Just a worthless popcorn plants. Made killer hash though, cant complain about that.
But back to my concern- I ve noticed sunlight supply no longer makes the white interior sunhuts and have now changet the interior to a silver lined reflective material and they advertise it as "non-toxic". So does that automaticly make the old white ones toxic? I tried doing some searches on it and came up empty handed as far as finding info on toxic sun huts.
So Im doing an experiment by taking the skin off of the frame and hanging mylar for walls.
Im guessing this will change the environment greatly hopefully growing some trees instead of sickly popcorn plants. I really want to figure this thing out and get my SOG underway again so I can have a grow that Im proud of instead of depressing sick plants. they arent useing the light or nutrients Im giving them obviously. An eighteen inch plant I put into flowering yields about 3 grams smokeable buds and the root ball barely takes up a third of a 6 inch container for christs sake. The plant never bulks up. It turns sick about week 2 of flowering. Ive tried switching 3 different organic regemins and no real success. The vegging plants and clones did great but once they get flowered they get all sickly. The rootball had no thick roots just little stringy things. Im forking out alot of money to grow tiny plants so at this point unless I see a difference in the next 3 weeks after changing my bloom room around, Im shutting down after a year and a half.


Well-Known Member
yea its the tent...sunhut supposedly got the same thing hydrohut had

that is of course, if you got one of the affected batches....but it damn sure sounds like it.


Well-Known Member
not sure if it was sunhut, but hydrohut was doing a replacement thing, but the date has expired for that. sorry bro


Well-Known Member
Ive been on this site now for a year and a half, every day for the most part, have boughten books, dvd's, read tutorials and I feel like I do a text book style grow, do what you need to along the way, making adjustments, go over information,etc. and I cant get a damn plant to flower all the way through with out the thing turnig yellow, having very under developed roots and tiny buds. A 2 foot plant yeilds bout 3 grams dry smokeable buds. (buds that dont make at least a bowl are tossed in the hash pile)


Well-Known Member
called hydro store, guy said his best guess is that its the tent but said dispite sun huts being redesigned and advertised as non-toxic sunlight supply has not done a recall.
Another note, I put a male plant out side and the thing is sick (turned purple) because of the really cold temperatures at night I hardly take care of it and its leaves are still green and it shot up about a foot during the stretch and has a nice bulky stem. Its been stressed pretty bad but shows no signs of underdeveloped roots or stunting besides the stress from low temps. Looks to have large clusters of pollen sacks on nice healthy thick stems. So thats just another reason to lead me to believe its the tent. If this doesnt do anything Im fucking stumped. all out of Ideas.


Well-Known Member
I put vegged plants into flower at about 15 - 18 inches, Yes when I get rid of all the tiny buds that I make into hash I end up with about 3 grams dry per plant. And all the plants do the same fucking thing regardless of strain.


Well-Known Member
i had a poison tent,it wasted my last 6 months,chucked it and getting 4 times the yield,hope they replace it for you, if not chuck it,it will pay to grow with out in in 2 months is sad some sack a shits still peddle these toxic garbage,it also gave me headaches never had one since i chucked the tent,and my dog wouldn't go near it,not even for a t-bone,so that tells you what it is doing.all my buds were fluffy,and everything was sick all the time,i just got it for breeding so pollen wouldnt fly around,worst mistake of my life,i only like to grow 2 crops a year thats all i need,now i have to grow in the heat of summer.but what you desrribed sounded like gassing.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I have the same fucking problem with my tent (exact same one as you). I can't believe that I spent money on a garbage non light proof, toxic grow tent! Plants that I have growing in another tent are growing great...


New Member
This goes to show just how commercialized every fuckin thing on this planet has become. Its sickening the level of greed and corruption going on around us yet its so fuckn benevolent,that hardly anybody notices like doodoodooo.Same goes with the breeders today,theyre not in it to help you out,theyre in it so you help they pockets out,point blank.I mean,they're doin something that you and I could do our damn selves,like hey,lets cross plant x w/ plant y herdederherher.But whateva,to each their own....:cuss::cuss::cuss::wall::wall::wall::fire::fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
I got a new tent. Even though the plants look discolored in my pics theyre green. I had just turned on the 1000HPS and it was glowing red.


Active Member
i cant believe u guys kept them in those tents so long, i mean sorry but if u noticed the fuckers dying right after u put em in there and your on here everyday and "know your shit" haha sorry but thats another topic. Hey do u got any pics of what the toxic tent looks like?


Well-Known Member
i cant believe u guys kept them in those tents so long, i mean sorry but if u noticed the fuckers dying right after u put em in there and your on here everyday and "know your shit" haha sorry but thats another topic. Hey do u got any pics of what the toxic tent looks like?
HAHA thats another topic?what makes you think even the best growers know whats going on all the time,untill you have worked with extreme cold,extreme heat,polluted water, bugs insoil ,mites,aphids,centipedes,bad nutes,danmping off,light leaks,faulty timers,bad ballasts,wrong readings for PH,low and high humidity,bad air circulation,bad air syndrom,you will find that a tent can confuse you to if you think its funny because people dont figure shit out on the first go round,then you must be one hell of a grower and i tip my hat to you. But if you read enough about the signs of toxic tent you find they match those of other sumtoms and you wouldnt be HAHA and say its another topic,that i can assure you boy.why you want pictures so you can laugh some more,piss off.


Well-Known Member
This kind of problem isn't a thing of the past anymore...

Sunlight Supply just added it's name - or re-added, depending on whether or not it can be proved they were involved in the toxic tents - to the list of companies that don't care enough to not use toxic chemicals in food-grade applications.


It's important that we as a community recognize that this is an ongoing pattern of negligence and not simply a series of unrelated events. The industry has no excuse for not knowing better than to check for this kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
The fucking things made in china too.
Where else do expect highly toxic plastics to made? In your backyard/neighborhood/community? I think not! Most communities won't give these companies business licenses. Most of the time the only option is to make these chemical based products in china or south america.

Wow, I have the same fucking problem with my tent (exact same one as you). I can't believe that I spent money on a garbage non light proof, toxic grow tent! Plants that I have growing in another tent are growing great...
If it makes you feel better...just about all tents aren't light proof...and just about all tents are made like garbage...also just about all weed related items are made like total shit.


Well-Known Member

and i just commented on it on another thread....

POLY VINYL CHLORIDE, aka PVC is toxic when heated, or contacted with uv radiation (uv radiation = light)

PVC releases a family of TOXIC substances called Poly FloroCarbons (PFC's) that are extremely toxic to both humans, animals, and plant life. known cancer causing agents, to OSHA, not just state of cali, lol...

ALL plastics used for purposes where the plastic will come into contact with heat and light AND objects fit for human consumption should be of the CPVC type, and not PVC...
CPVC is always white w/ gold or yellow lettering. It also has a more off white/yellowish color than standard white pvc.

still like that panda film?

id go w/ mylar if i was you... they dont make panda film out of CPVC
they make it out of PVC...

scary huh.....