Total noob question about nutes (UK Grower)


Hi all,

I am a total noob and will be building my first grow box this weekend and hopefully starting the grow a week or so later.

I have been reading a ton and have a vague idea about the entire process and am confident enough to get started. One area I don't seem to grasp is the ntrients for the plants.

I see a lot of suggestions and brand names banded around but I am from the UK and so most of them are not available to me. I would really like to know what nutes the plants need after planting from seed, through the Veg stage and into Flowering. If any UK growers know of a good source of nutes then I would really appreciate it if you could share them.



Well-Known Member
Go into a garden centre and read the labels on bottles of nutes. For vegging you need a general pupose fert with the main elements NPK about the same, 6-6-6 or 8-8-8 or thereabouts. Not totally critical, but thereabouts

For flowering you want P and especially K to be bigger than N - have a look at the ferts for tomato fruiting - they will probably do the bizz for you.

May help to read my link below on NPK. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I am from the uk and hydro shops seem to be about more than cannabis itself now,The advice that i will give you some may not agree with but belive me it is the best stuff on the market today.If growing in soil use either bio bizz all mix this will give young seedlings enougth feed from the soil for the 1st 2 week then start with a low dose of advanced sensi pro veg a and b and when it comes to flowering use the same brand sensi pro bloom but add some bud blood for the 1st 2 week of flowering and then move over to big bud by advanced final 2/3 week befor flushing use overdrive and the results will speak for them selfs.People say that advanced is expensive to buy but from where i get it it is the same price has all the other brands but far better advanced is made for cannabis plants thats why it is called sensi pro for all the haters of this range if any one slags advanced it is because they can't afford it or have never tried it or tried it and used it wrong.The 3 addatives to the sensi pro flowering a and b will last you a few grows same has the veg and bloom depending on the size of the operation you are doing............................tyke...............................................................


Well-Known Member
If you have LOADS of cash then go to the hydro store. Otherwise do what I said above and go to your garden centre.

Why is it that every time I give someone some good advice, another guy tries to contradict me with EXPENSIVE ideas.