Total noob here


New Member
I need something that can help with the withdrawals of Effexor XR. I don't have anymore insurance and Its too costly to buy without. But I want to stop taking it. Is there any strain that can help with the withdrawals?


Well-Known Member
good god man u were taken that stuff willing .......did u get any liver or kindey damage

depression is easy i have been using weed for 21 years ................u want engery stuff happy buzzy light headed ..............if u can not get something like that u want red rock hash (shit is the greatest thing world hash mixed with a little opium ........when i was all messed up after a pretty brutal fight i used that stuff is the greatest thing for road rage )...............if u are a noob u will get cotton mouth the best answer for this is half sprite and half lemonaid ....2 sips and your good


Well-Known Member
this is how it works

u buy a quater a week u get one gram a day to smoke ( about 4 good bong hits for me ) u go do what u got to do out and about deal with all the bullshit come home find something good on and have a smoke sit back decompress kill all the random thoughts get some food and enjoy the night before u crash out

u never travel with anything bigger then u can eat with in 12 secs of getting pulled over ..........bowls bongs roach pappers they all get u time in jail ............if u are going to get busted with buddies someone in the car takes the hit he gets everything and all the guys that did not go to jail bail his ass out and helps with the lawyers and if time in jail they kick money each month

u smoke at home no driving ...........the pizza man is your best friend untill u are use to it driving is a huge no no your reaction times are off (think of it like driving with 6 hours of sleep and 20 hours awake ).............all of u out there know what i mean when u first start slow ride so just do not do it tip the pizza guy or carry out guy good they rem u hook u up one point they walked into the house and told me if they wanted cash or a few bong hits for a tip

last and most important do not dick anyone over on bags weight if u do they will turn u in if they get always happends the bad friends will oh he dicked me on that bag i can get 2 weeks instead of 4 months he did it .............if u help ppl out good bags good stuff decent price they will keep their yap shut about u becuase they like u and want to keep seeing u for a helping hand


Well-Known Member
blunts and jionts pass to the left is puff puff pass
bowls are take a hit pass to left
bongs are hit it untill u kill it then pass it back to the packer

if a buddy gets u stoned .....u owe them a stoned when they are out .....the bettles song i get by with a little help from my friends i get high with a little help from my friends

if u are going to cough when taken a bong hit take lips off the bong then cough


New Member
Yes, I have been taking Effexor for a while now. Since my life went into the toilet, my therapist suggested I get it for anxiety and depression. Well I happened to run out last year at thanksgiving, And I was in an unfamiliar area (Denver) I couldn't get it refilled for like 5 days. Worse fucking days ever. Anyways, No I haven't had any problems from the stuff like that. Just the main thing was withdrawals. sigh... I only have two pills left and not enough money to get another 30 day supply.

Sir, I want to thank you for the information. What you have done is real stand-up in my book! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
np man knuckle bump...........and always rem life is not as bad as u think it is u got food u got beer u got buddies and now u have happy smoke ...........dude u are in denver u lucky man ..........head to the local weed shop show them your instate id and walk out of the store with a oz (that is 28 grams ) of really good stuff ....or u can get cookies /other eatables

if the person askes u what kind are u looking for may i say ask for something makes u goofy and something that is a good 4 6 hours buzz me a huge favor light a joint up infront of a police station and walk away smoking it much envy


Well-Known Member
oh if u do not like smoke

look into vaporizers is not smoke so new ppl can handle it alot better .................smoking u will cough but old saying the cough gets u off bigger head rush


Well-Known Member
good god man u were taken that stuff willing .......did u get any liver or kindey damage

depression is easy i have been using weed for 21 years ................u want engery stuff happy buzzy light headed ..............if u can not get something like that u want red rock hash (shit is the greatest thing world hash mixed with a little opium ........when i was all messed up after a pretty brutal fight i used that stuff is the greatest thing for road rage )...............if u are a noob u will get cotton mouth the best answer for this is half sprite and half lemonaid ....2 sips and your good
hahahaha!! you talking red rock opium dude? I use to sell that shit when I was in my teens and guess what its fake as it gets order your self some dragons blood incense resin I'm sure you'll find your red rock for a few bucks a pound theirs also shops that sell them I was a kingpin with that shit people are so naive. :bigjoint:lmao


Well-Known Member
i got my shit off a old hippie ..................freaking 8 ball of it lasted 6 weeks i do not care what the fuck it was it rocked like the mother fucking hell ..............this ass is driving on my bumber i am doing 75 goes around me slows dow i try to pass blocks me i have no idea who it is ..............i fallowed them to anouther state before i calm down that shit fucking saved me from getting a murder charge .................i carry a 1/5 of shine in the trunk along with a zombie killing kit ( yes i am on of those guys alls i have to say zombies marshel law what ever my ass is golden ) i was going to bash in there skull cut the heads off and burn the whole place .............if i had the gun with me in the front i would have blowen out the tires caused them to wreck

he use to trade me ludes too and some really good gel tabs ...........even couple of viles of some of that brown acid from back in the mid 90s.........shit sent a good buddy to room 20 in the hospital (padded room and restraints)

fuck kingpinning that shit i was the man u called me i found what u asked for...... for 7 years i ran a party house ..3 and half years of that i did not leave everyone was already here everything was already here ..............i got raided 2 times they found shit doumb mother fuckers missed a hidden cloest ( before i ran the house my older brother did bong water spilled ceiling tiles coated in bong smoke ) dogs came in and just sat down and barked

the 3rd time is when i quit buddy left here and the cops picked him up on the road (back ass road so was huge red flag) he gets into the holding cell calls me up here tells me 34 ppl just roll out cops get 3 cars ....1 am the swat team leader comes to the front door rings the bell and tells me i am a lucky bastard he knows i got tipped of they were coming in that night .........then the controll when to my little brother he ran if 4 years


Well-Known Member
i got my shit off a old hippie ..................freaking 8 ball of it lasted 6 weeks i do not care what the fuck it was it rocked like the mother fucking hell ..............this ass is driving on my bumber i am doing 75 goes around me slows dow i try to pass blocks me i have no idea who it is ..............i fallowed them to anouther state before i calm down that shit fucking saved me from getting a murder charge .................i carry a 1/5 of shine in the trunk along with a zombie killing kit ( yes i am on of those guys alls i have to say zombies marshel law what ever my ass is golden ) i was going to bash in there skull cut the heads off and burn the whole place .............if i had the gun with me in the front i would have blowen out the tires caused them to wreck
probably the same old hippie I sold it to. lol, just look I got proof But really dude a zombie killing kit. lmao, you tried to pull that shit on me you'd be right down range of my Glock 21 .45 13 in the magazine 1 in the hole( I never have drugs in the car so I'm golden ) I hope your zombie kit comes with a flak jacket. Your a funny guy I bet that really is you in your avatar someone who can make you laugh just by looking at him. lmao


New Member
You know what... I like you folks. Yall are my kind of people. Good story tho. It made for some later reading while I was about to go to sleep. And that's pretty damn funny too Bluntmassa. I tell you this tho. These meds give me some crazy wacked out dreams tho lol!!!!


Staff member
Yes, I have been taking Effexor for a while now. Since my life went into the toilet, my therapist suggested I get it for anxiety and depression. Well I happened to run out last year at thanksgiving, And I was in an unfamiliar area (Denver) I couldn't get it refilled for like 5 days. Worse fucking days ever. Anyways, No I haven't had any problems from the stuff like that. Just the main thing was withdrawals. sigh... I only have two pills left and not enough money to get another 30 day supply.

Sir, I want to thank you for the information. What you have done is real stand-up in my book! Thanks!
Effexor is a very scary drug to go without you gotta ween yourself off it you cant abruptly stop taking it, my mom did once cause she didn't get it refilled and she said she got like shocks in her brain ....I am an extreme sufferer of anxiety but if you feel like you can overcome your anxiety by cognitive behavioural therapy I would suggest indica strains as they are relaxing , never go with stats cause they make you "jumpy" but everyone is different. if oyu have extreme anxiety and cannot live your daily life (like go to the store) and it effects you in such a way you cant leave the house I would suggest you get back on some sort of medication anxiety is a chemical brain imbalance and IMHO it cannot be treated naturally if you have a chemical brain imbalance but if you suffer from anxiety because of say your house got broken into and you got put in icu you can treat anxiety that way with natural things, like proper eating, exercise, CBT. anyone who lives with anxiety I find doesn't understand the shit we go through but that's just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
probably the same old hippie I sold it to. lol, just look I got proof But really dude a zombie killing kit. lmao, you tried to pull that shit on me you'd be right down range of my Glock 21 .45 13 in the magazine 1 in the hole( I never have drugs in the car so I'm golden ) I hope your zombie kit comes with a flak jacket. Your a funny guy I bet that really is you in your avatar someone who can make you laugh just by looking at him. lmao

have your glock man i have a 12 gauge strapped to the trunk with armor pericing rounds explosive rounds ..bolt cutting rounds door breaching rounds ...dragon breath and flare rounds ..........the car carries 300 rounds total plus a few speical made things ( u know the speical stuff for the living mustard gas napalm home made boom boom stick )..........then there is the fuck u up stuff 3 swords 2 axe handles 1 brass knuckles and 5 hunting knives ....then tent sleepng bag food water and some other tools to get gas from tanks and all that good stuff ........................i am personally betting that the goverment will say fuck u all this is now a empire do what i tell u or die ...........right now we have given away so many freedoms the next attack they do on us it will be marshel law

the fun part is soon they are allowing drones in the USA i look at them as target pratice with a long rifle shooting RC planes out of the air


Well-Known Member
have your glock man i have a 12 gauge strapped to the trunk with armor pericing rounds explosive rounds ..bolt cutting rounds door breaching rounds ...dragon breath and flare rounds ..........the car carries 300 rounds total plus a few speical made things ( u know the speical stuff for the living mustard gas napalm home made boom boom stick )..........then there is the fuck u up stuff 3 swords 2 axe handles 1 brass knuckles and 5 hunting knives ....then tent sleepng bag food water and some other tools to get gas from tanks and all that good stuff ........................i am personally betting that the goverment will say fuck u all this is now a empire do what i tell u or die ...........right now we have given away so many freedoms the next attack they do on us it will be marshel law

the fun part is soon they are allowing drones in the USA i look at them as target pratice with a long rifle shooting RC planes out of the air
lmao, you better watch out homeland securities gonna kick in your door they read that shit.

but that sounds fun shooting down drones have to get me a Barrette 50. caliber semi-auto sniper rifle just chill up on the mountain watching over my crop take them out a mile away keep the 12 gauge for the sneaky ones take them down like clay pigeons only problem is them things are armed with little missiles and shit. I'm not too worried about our government though its just a matter of time till we see world war 3 North Korea is just waiting for a reason and when they get going more then likely they will bomb the south into the stone age and launch every other nuke are way not too mention Russia's still don't like us and even threatened us Russia does anything to us you can bet your ass North Korea's right behind them and with them two comes China. Then I'm gonna be chilling in a log cabin up in the Canadian Arctic just south enough to grow and breed some herb I'm not sticking around for no Nuclear/chemical war fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
they can kick in the door all they want .................they have a shit load more then i do i am am not harming anyone i have never been convicted of anything but minor weed charges

i can think of several rednecks i know with claymore 50 cal guns and a bunker full of ammo .............and they are fucking kkk memebers ...............i look at this way the cops are walking around with taser knife night stick gun and a shotgun in the car ..............why can not i have my own set ..............aslong as no one plans to harm my friends my family or myself the gear will stay locked away ..........they decide they want to play i go to the end move first skip the games and just overkill factor

personally i would do some of that crazy ass stuff u see in RED 2 i would walk around with a few boom boom sticks in my pocket .................u want to shot at me i will throw one at u ....................think about it i am cracker my lilly white ass makes pale look like cream .......i have no trouble walking down the worst streets in baltimore or dc .....u know the ones all the ppl are just pissed offed and have chips on sholders black white mexican if they can rob yah and get ahead they would .........rob me we will both die in a boom boom ....................and no worries if u have not noticed i have mispelled words and skipped using certain ones i know the key words to advoid