Total Newbie....need help!


Ok, so I'm trying to do this for the first time....I know many of the questions I am going to ask will probably already have been asked somewhere, but I'd like definite answers for my situation. Hope you guys can help.
I have a 2x2x1.8 grow tent with extractor fan, carbon filter, 600w hps & an oscillating fan for 4 seedlings. Using coco coir as recommended in the shop. Have been learning the basics, although I'm a bit stumped when it comes to growing in coco?! Anyways, I planted the seeds, and 3 days later....voila! Seedlings are now 10 days old from planting, and they have one set of true leaves. These leaves are slightly yellow in colour...kinda patchy yellow all over, new growth is coming, but it also looks very pale. I didn't think you had to feed nutes for 2 weeks, anyone have any ideas what could be wrong? I don't want to panic and start changing things I know this could cause more harm than good! :) help appreciated!!