total newb


Well-Known Member
im planning on growing in my closet in like a computer sized box so parentals dont find out, i wana kno best weed for this and ones that dont grow TALL or very LARGE but produce THE SHIZNIT. I need to know everything like what to buy, what to do, and when to do it


Well-Known Member
Outside grow is the best way if your avoiding your parents especially since you dont want the cops (if they find you (slim chance) ) to get your parents involved. Not good. Woods or something like that would be good but in that case you'll hav to wait till may at least.


Active Member
i had the same problems when i lived at home. you would have better luck outside or if you have winter just grow in your closet. do they check your room?


Active Member
If your set on growing indoors grow lowryder(mentioned above). because of risk of getting caught. from seed to harvest in 2 months. So instead of only being half way through another strains growth period you will be smoking that shit. and it cuts down on the chance of parents catching on
2 months to keep it hidden or 4months hmmm.


Well-Known Member
If your set on growing indoors grow lowryder(mentioned above). because of risk of getting caught. from seed to harvest in 2 months. So instead of only being half way through another strains growth period you will be smoking that shit. and it cuts down on the chance of parents catching on
2 months to keep it hidden or 4months hmmm.
well i was plannin on growing lowryder but there is ABSOLUTELY no sites that i know that are legit that have them in stock(any1 that knows a site that is legit and has them, i would be very grateful), so im planning on growing aurora indica and throwing like a box of arm and hammer by it, but i heard it smells like flowers and stuff so even if arm/hammer doesnt help, wont be anything real suspicious. let me know what you think bout my choice. Anyone else have any ideas bout some weed i can grow that isnt tall but thick and good like lowryder, thanks