

Active Member
Alright so heres the deal, i got two plants(pictures shown) and the big bushy one is Juicy-Fruit and is in its on day 10 of the flowering stage. The juicy fruit was vegged for 1 month under a household 65wt. softbulb standard for any desk lamps and what not. Then for about 40 or so days under a T5 Compact Flourescent lights, witch was quite an upgrade to say the least. (Dont know wattage on the T5). Now being in its 10th day it has already doubled in size! Now i have two questions. First what is the usual amount of days a plant should be in flowering for. My second question is about a topic that was brought fworth to me by my partner ,farmer fran, and that topic is a certain technique of growing that is called topping and has something to do with snippng certain leaves to some how aquire double or even triple the yeild.. I dont know the basics or the specifics of this technique but i want to know because the smaller plant in the picture ( Williams Wonder) was only about a month and a week old when thrown into flowering. I started flowering shortly after i returned the T5s for a 400wt. Hps and i am danm glad i did. Anyways scince i didnt have anyother place to keep the plant i decided to just pair the two up under the One light i had. Topping i need help what is it what are the basics HELP!!!!



Well-Known Member
I was actually very interested in this also when I started too. Then I had read that it really isnt all that people make it out to be... it slows down the process to much to take advantage of it,

I tried it and I may have cut it in the wrong place but all it did was put my girl about a week behind all the other ones and I do not think that it will yield more.....

Im guessing the reason you would want to do this is to lower the plant heigth but keep the yield high....

On all of my other plants I used the L.S.T. method (low stress training) where you pull the main stalk dowm and tie it to a hole made in the top of your bucket or pot, then about 8hrs later the main shoot has a 45degree angle in it and pointing straight to the light again, now all of the side branches are at the same heigth as the main.....

for me.... topping- no bending- yes **ok up low stress training**


Active Member
well i agrea 2nt you use hps lights you prob dont even need to do that.I have had super good lucj with 1000 hps lights i vedge my plant under them for 6 weaks more less or more depending and they all have many many tops but anyhow yes i agrea toping more than not will just over stress and we dont wont are girls sicks..:hump:


Well-Known Member
For flowering look at trics. Topping is essential if you're growing indoors to grow more tops for yield.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Topping is great..You have to do it early..I do mine at the 3-4th node (where new growth sprouts)...cut straight across - not /..don't expose too much open stem..
do lst is good......I've yet to flower under lights........soon. luck


Well-Known Member
i do the same as twistyman. the benefit is that you get 2 main colas and better branches. the further up will give more branches


Well-Known Member
actualy i just finished showing another grower on here what and how i did it
do you want me to put a link of that thread here for you. it shows the difference of what my plants look like with one topped and one left alone to grow,and were to top and how.


Well-Known Member
those pic`s wre just taken tonight. they probably have about 2 more weeks. so far the single cola has that nice big bud aboot 1 foot long and about the size of a pop can around. the topped one has 4 main colas that are about 6 to 8 inches long and about the size of an average cell phone arond, 2 to 3 inches through the center. then it has about 5 to 8 more small nugs about 1 to 1.5 grams if it were dry. so in the end about the same weight but i always like seing that 1 big main cola. it realy depends on how much room you have in your grow room.


Well-Known Member
the rest of those plants are in my journal. i have the same just started outdoor in my gignature i cant put both there but if you want to see the grow it`s noob grow purple chemo.
sorry pushing my stuff on someone elses thread. not trying to step on anyone.