Topping issue

Well, I have made a big mistake with one of my plants. I went to top it the other night and when I did I think I cut the new growth off with the top. Instead of two shoots coming up there is only 1. I messed it up big time because I could not see. This is my first time growing and I'm learning as I go. But, I was wondering if I could top on down the main stem to get two colas like I would have if I would not have messed up? The plant has not showed it's sex yet. This years is a learning experience for me. All advice is appreciated.
im a newbie too sure someone else will chime in soon.....but i wouldnt cut ne more off it untill it recovers from whatever u jus old is ur plant???
im in the same boat u r first time jus kinda using this as a learning experience as well.....its amazing how much you will learn jus by reading threw some of these threads ...its awesome...good luck to you man