Top44 outdoor grow gender question


Active Member
Hi, i'm relatively new here, i had a grow journal going once but that plant kinda withered away (indoor) because i had to move house so...
anyway, i had a couple of seeds left and put them in a flowering pot and put them outside while letting nature do it's job.

it's been almost three months now (stuck em in late May, beginning of June) and they're growing nice and steadily, give em water almost daily, they catch quite a lot of sunlight and so far only one plant (presumably male) has a caterpillar infection

so my other three plants are doing fine, no real problems, growth is nice and healthy (for my standards)...
i was just wondering; one plant is most certainly female but the others i'm not sure of (except the infested one, which is most likely male). I'm guessing the reason they haven't 'popped' yet is because the female is getting the most of the sunlight and for the longest period...

anyway, long story short, 4 plants, 1 female, 1 presumably male and 2 undefined... below are some pics, if any of you can pass better judgement as to the gender of the plant, please do :) that way i know which ones i can 'dismiss'.

first two are from the female, then 5 from the 2 undefined and last 2 from the presumably male

as you can see, the latter 2 have 'knobs' sticking out like a sore thumb, while with the other plants, the 'knobs' are more embedded between the joints...

and last but not least, a family photo :) (got em specially lined up for the shot, they're further apart otherwise)

on the first family pic, the female is the first plant in the shot, on the latter it's the last one, so (spitefully) the bushiest one is the one with the caterpillar infection and what appears to be a male...

voila, hope someone can shed some light on the situation as i have no clue :p


Well-Known Member
hey there ..... nice looking plants. they are doing well. The first two pics sure is fem ..... but that's not your question. The other pics do not allow for a suitable view to determine the sex. I could guess but that would not serve anyone. Sorry I could be of more help.