top secret grow


well this is pretty much my first grow. i have 4 20w cfl's. i got some seeds from a good sack and germinated them the other day. just planted them earlier. i made a grow room out of my dresser. just hollowed it out. any tips or help you guys could give me would be awesome.



one has sprouted but it was planted a few days ago. im still waiting on the rest to sprout. ill have pics when they all sprout. comments would be nice.


Active Member
Looks good, one thing people are going to tell you is loose the tinfoil. (creates hot spots) Not sure how dangerous the hot spots are with cfl but anyways lol. :) Gonna be watchin :) woot GL ;)


Looks good, one thing people are going to tell you is loose the tinfoil. (creates hot spots) Not sure how dangerous the hot spots are with cfl but anyways lol. :) Gonna be watchin :) woot GL ;)
yeah i know. i pretty much just used stuff that i already had at home. so its a cheap setup. im just growing for my own personal use so its not a big deal that i dont get a high yeild


still no new sprouts. i dont know what im doing wrong. the one that has sprouted doesnt seem like its growing. i guess i just have to wait it out


none of the other ones have sprouted. im still giving the one that did a chance but i think im gonna wait till i get everything i need to do this grow right to start over. thanks for all the help everybody, jk:peace:


im starting to think i am only gonna have one plant to try growing for now. the sprout has only 2 leafs still. when does a new set start to come in? hellllllp:?


my little sprout isnt doing much yet but i can see the starts of a new set of leafs. i started germinating 4 more seeds using a method ive never tried before. i took the seeds and put the straight into dirt and watered them and put ziplock bag over them. i have them under the lights and i hope this works. i have read that is how you are really supposed to germinate seeds. anyy feedback??? any comments or tips would help!:shock:


i figured the sprout might be growing slow becuse of the heat. usually i have my grow cab open with lots of airflow and it stays around 75 degrees. but i had to shut it a few times and there isnt good ventilation so it gets very hot. im germinating a shit ton of new seeds tho. so wish me good luck as i try again.


Well-Known Member
bulbs 1-3minches away, lose the tin foil, do not over water let it dry out(let the tap root do it job)

How far did u put ur seeds down? i only uslayy do it bout the tip of an eraser from a pencil. And if i do not see them sprout within two days(if they have been pre-germd) then i just carefully uncover the soil. Then 9 times out of 10 it growing then just cover it back up but let the first leaves stick out of the soil a lil bit.