Top off or Completely Dump


Well-Known Member
Yea, thats pretty much what I expected... Could not answer the tuff ones.
Speechless...Dont we wish.
your question has been just obviously dont have the comprehension to understand it..but hey what else can you expect from a barron such as yourself.....:clap:

ive stated my style and posted the pics to back it up....put up or shut up barron......


Well-Known Member
your question has been just obviously dont have the comprehension to understand it..but hey what else can you expect from a barron such as yourself.....:clap:

ive stated my style and posted the pics to back it up....put up or shut up barron......
I'm well past the age of playing my dicks bigger than your dick. I'm not here to try and impress, like some people.:hump:

No my question was never answered. It's pretty clear that you dont understand the question, or you don't know the answer to the question. Which I have no problem with at all, as long as you don't respond to it like you do know.

So go ahead and read again, then with all that knowledge you posess, please explain the answer to me with a little bit of detail.

"If your topping off with extra nutes, your setting the plants up for possible problems.
Even though your adding the nutes at a specific EC/ppm, you have no idea which, or how much of each element the plant had already used since plants take in different elements from your solution at different times.
So for an example the plants used lots of N, but much less P and K, and your EC/PPM has dropped significantly. Now if you top off with more nutes to get your EC/PPM back up to that magic number. Is it not likely that your building up the P and K to toxic levels since, Your meter is not going to decipher which of the elements is high or low, and only going to give you a total EC count?"


Well-Known Member
I'm well past the age of playing my dicks bigger than your dick. I'm not here to try and impress, like some people.:hump:

No my question was never answered. It's pretty clear that you dont understand the question, or you don't know the answer to the question. Which I have no problem with at all, as long as you don't respond to it like you do know.

So go ahead and read again, then with all that knowledge you posess, please explain the answer to me with a little bit of detail.

"If your topping off with extra nutes, your setting the plants up for possible problems.
Even though your adding the nutes at a specific EC/ppm, you have no idea which, or how much of each element the plant had already used since plants take in different elements from your solution at different times.
So for an example the plants used lots of N, but much less P and K, and your EC/PPM has dropped significantly. Now if you top off with more nutes to get your EC/PPM back up to that magic number. Is it not likely that your building up the P and K to toxic levels since, Your meter is not going to decipher which of the elements is high or low, and only going to give you a total EC count?"
by adding diluted levels of nutrient solution you are rounding out the nutrient soulution but not enough to create a toxicity....if you are keeping an even ph level your nutrient uptake will be well rounded..if you are taking up more nutrients than others and it results in toxicity or or a deficiency then your ph levels are not right for the strain you are growing at the moment...if your ph is correct your uptake will be even...if your ph is off you will be taking in more nutes than i said in my first post..i run my res from 1-2 weeks before flushing for a night and mixing a new between that time i will top off my res with either water or a half strenght long as my ph stays where i want it the plant is taking up what i want it to...its all in the ph balance.....


Well-Known Member
by adding diluted levels of nutrient solution you are rounding out the nutrient soulution but not enough to create a toxicity....if you are keeping an even ph level your nutrient uptake will be well rounded..if you are taking up more nutrients than others and it results in toxicity or or a deficiency then your ph levels are not right for the strain you are growing at the moment...if your ph is correct your uptake will be even...if your ph is off you will be taking in more nutes than i said in my first post..i run my res from 1-2 weeks before flushing for a night and mixing a new between that time i will top off my res with either water or a half strenght long as my ph stays where i want it the plant is taking up what i want it to...its all in the ph balance.....
Thank you, That was all I was asking. I don't know If totally agree, but I will ponder for awile. Peace :clap:


Well-Known Member
well i guess u could say i got a responce to my original post ..but know matter what way u think is the best way to handle this problem, were all here to try to learn from other people what they think is the best course of action....some may be right and some might be wrong but for mei am alot wiser then i was when i ran into this proplem every body smoke a bowl ....and you all have my thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
well i guess u could say i got a responce to my original post ..but know matter what way u think is the best way to handle this problem, were all here to try to learn from other people what they think is the best course of action....some may be right and some might be wrong but for mei am alot wiser then i was when i ran into this proplem every body smoke a bowl ....and you all have my thanks for the info
:clap: good..that is the most important thing out of all of this.......:weed:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
there is no correct way of doing it, its your way of doing it, you can do both ways although i agree and most authorities would advise you only ever top off with p.h'ed or plain water you should never need to add nutes to top off your ress, if your plants are using the same amount of water and salts. if you need to keep topping off with nutes then you are doing somthing wrong. IF the system is running at 100% then you only top of with water how ever if your nutes are dropping faster then they drink water then by all means top off with a bit extra nutes untill the equilibrium is acheieved, all that you need to do then is only top off with water no need for nutes, makes perfect sense since adding more nutes to a depleted res tank will more likely corse a nutrient imbalance.

when should we change the ress? as offten as possible. a good way and most authorities recomend is to change the tank after you have topped it off using just plaine water equel tothe original amount of water the ress tank. e.g= you have a100L tank, you would want to top off each day with plain water lets say your plants drink 10L so after 10 days the total top off of plain water would be 100L now is a good time to dump and refresh with a new batch of nutes.

although some ppl do use the top off with nutes every time and it works very well, but not the best way IMHO


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a noob here, and my opinion may not count for much, but I clean my res and change the nute solution every week. I never have to add to the solution by doing it this way, and my plants seem to love it. As a bonus the grass in my back yard is nice and green because I use the old nute solution to water it. On a side note, I only use 6 gallons of water for my setup, so it really doesn't cost too much to refill my res every week, as opposed to someone with a 30 to 50 gallon res.