Top heavy


Active Member
My sativa is VERY top heavy. The cola is going to be fucking HUGE! but... should I be worried? Should I put a stick in the soil to support it? Or just leave it? It's about 5 weeks in flowering.


Well-Known Member
tie a string from the top of your cab, tie UP the bud. BTW your avatar has a warning on it wat up wit dat?


Active Member
Alright I'll do that, thanks. Haha I posted a pic of a guy with all his limbs and head cut off from the Mexican cartels to show the violence created by prohibition in a Prop 19 thread. Im pretty sure that's what it is for.


Well-Known Member
My sativas are starting week 6 flowering and I'm having the same situation. I think that by letting them veg for 5 weeks
they grew too much distance between each set of nodes. Because there is so much stem under the colas they are
starting to bend over due to their weight. I got the huge nugs I wanted but I have to tie them up to keep them
from toppling over. They won't make 9 weeks flowering as they are close now!!!



Active Member
I didn't even veg mine. I went straight to flower and its only 2 ft. tall. The stems look pretty weak. Do you have a fan blowing directly on your plants or not?