top heavy plants


Active Member
sowhat does everyone do if they get a really top heavy plant
use a stake to hold it up or strings/yoyo hangers just curious which would be better of the 2 to use


Well-Known Member
I personally use bamboo sticks as braces..

they work great..

just put it into the soil next to the plant.. and both the plant/bamboo up straight and then tie each entity together. You can do this with fishing line; kite string; dental floss; etc..



Active Member
i dont think lsting an auto would bea good idea atm the top cola of my plant is over a foot long andabout as round asa 500ml coke bottle and i got 5 weeks left
Shit man, I'd use some wooden Surveyors stakes and some shoelaces. If their taller than the stakes try supporting them from the ceiling with strings or against one another. This can block light from leaves but natural support is better than nothing.