top fim or super crop


Ok guys I got a clone and am trying to figure out which method would be best for me. I want to leave this clone to veg untill my nl get ready to be moved into the flower room which should be another month. Now if my timing is right the other plant I have flowering now should be almost ready. Basically I have time to train. This lady and am wondering which h would be be the best method and still retain the option to take another couple clones before she goes into flower. All I've ever done training wise is lst so I plan to use this lady as a test dummy almost. This way I get comfortable sort of before I attack my nl fem plants. Any and all opinions are very much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
why attack the plant? Isn't she your friend? You gonna bitch slap her 2? Careful, a neighbour could call 911. Then you"d be in the clink for domestic violence and attacking an illegal substance.

Realize: some varietals don"t like being topped. At all. As in not even once. Why not just bush it out a bit over a couple weeks? Take a clone or 3. Make sure you are backed up, IOW.
Then, and only then, attack if you must.

Just a thought. We all have em. some are reasoned. others: not so much.


Bush on a lady isnt attractive to me :( more yeild but this laying stable enough to tie up yet im putting a fan on her to thinkin her up some and I guess ill just lst the piss out of her and try to top maybe a week before flower. That way if nothing g else her spurt In flower will bush her out more than make her tall. I like short plants even tough my flower room. Is 4x4x6.5. Currently only one lady in there u der the 600hps I figure easy goin with one plant to dial in temps Nd such. While she's finishing up ill have three more healing up from cloningtwo off each. That will mean one plant hharvest this time then three then six whixh ismy limit for now.