top dressing


Well-Known Member
I am using a fairly well balanced soil and using
tea make of kelp extract, ewc, and 0.7.0 guana.
For one reason or another a few plants out of the
current batch started showing rapid yellowing.
At this point I picked up the fox farm product that
People say is organic to nurse them along.
I would like some tips on topdressing. Even if it is a
link you trust I would appreciate it. I have the book
tlo but as of yet Im not comfortable with the
Spiking concept.
I'd recommend simply top dressing with EWC and a sprinkle of kelp and alfalfa. Also stop dumping guano on your plants, it takes at least 6 weeks to become available, best to just mix it in dry when cooking your soil.

If you want nutrients in your tea, look into botanical teas and fermented plant extract. Compost tea is as simple as 2 cups EWC, 1/2 Tsp Kelp Meal, 1 Tsp Molasses per 5 gallons H20 for 18-36 hours depending on desired microbial content.

Spiking is bullshit, ignore 90% of that book.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I am using a fairly well balanced soil and using
tea make of kelp extract, ewc, and 0.7.0 guana.
For one reason or another a few plants out of the
current batch started showing rapid yellowing.
At this point I picked up the fox farm product that
People say is organic to nurse them along.
I would like some tips on topdressing. Even if it is a
link you trust I would appreciate it. I have the book
tlo but as of yet Im not comfortable with the
Spiking concept.
It sounds like you need N. However w/o pics, who knows? Exactly WHICH FF product?


Well-Known Member
Not grow big or tiger bloom but the creamy brown
stuff. I think it is big bloom or something like that.
Im sure it was N. It looks as if the lack is over. Not too
Worried as I will be chopping in 3 weeks. I just wish
I would have caught it before it happened.
Hate playing catch up.


Well-Known Member
If you have 3 weeks to harvest that's just normal flower yellowing :) You don't wanna add N now.

Big bloom is low strength tea (<1 n-p-k). Tiger bloom is twice as much P as N which will often make your plants yellow even more rapidly if they start out N deficient. Earlier's the only way to do it 3 weeks from harvest is too late... live and learn.

FF has some soil amendments that have instructions for how much to topdress... just mix into the top inch of soil and water. Better yet make super soil and top dress with extra super soil as needed.