Took a few pics before HPS went on thought I would share with everyone


This is the garden that you guys have seen me posting regarding the pm and spidermites.. 6.5 weeks into flower sim-13 mainly a few og kush.. thought I would share a photo of my girls since ive gotten alot of feed back regarding my issues thanks guys ! btw currently doing the 50/50 water - 3% hydrogenperoxide .. and I just gave the first regiment of calibuzz's habenero pepper spidermite spray ( I do not know how to link his post, but its under plant issues / bugs ) hopefully it works !! I will continue to do posts updating you RIU through harvest.. I was not sure if I should start a journal this late into a grow .. This is my 3rd grow and I proudly started all these girls as clones that I cut myself! first grow that I did not outsource for clones !! :D If you have any questions ask away, any advice would greatly be appreciated.woohoo1.jpgwoohoo2.jpgwoohoo3.jpg



Well-Known Member
No offence intended at all and all power to you for having a self sufficient grow but they don't look happy at all.



everyone is telling me they dont look happy yet no one is giving me advice on how to make them happy.. please advise


Active Member
ummmmm wait... your still having problems with mites at 6.5 weeks in flowerin??? and your still spraying on the buds.... :roll:


i did spray the last 2 days with the peroxide and the habanero pepper spray and i already have lady bugs in there 750 :o i dont know what else im supposed to do at this point.. :\ ive made other posts regarding each issue.. I am a noobie still only my 3rd grow.. doing my best and trying to seek advice from seasoned growers...


Well-Known Member
i did spray the last 2 days with the peroxide and the habanero pepper spray and i already have lady bugs in there 750 :o i dont know what else im supposed to do at this point.. :\ ive made other posts regarding each issue.. I am a noobie still only my 3rd grow.. doing my best and trying to seek advice from seasoned growers...
My advice is go get yourself a HOTSHOTS NO PEST STRIP.

Leave it in your room for a week and check that everything is dead. Then ziplock bag it incase of a return bout of pests.

Yes it releases a carcinogen into the air called DYCLOVOS or something similar but it should work.

Unless you live in Cali, these guys are getting spider mites that are becoming resistant to them.



Well-Known Member
yer man get some bug strips open them up......just lay them one side of your pot....shuld help alot bro....


Well-Known Member
USA has all the best pest products.

I import my £12 bottle of MONTERAY GARDEN INSECT SPRAY and the delivery and import taxes means it costs me £32.

Great organic bug control by the way.



Well-Known Member
Nothing you do is going to make a difference that far into flower. Next time keeps your temps under control, keep your PH at 6.2 for soil, don't grow in Miracle Gro, give a feed with nitrogen in it up until at least the 2nd week of flower, and keep your deficiencies under control.


thanks for the advice ive been away for a few days. I am going to stop spraying and look into the advice on the strips / vapor strips. also i used happy frog soil with the GO box nutrients minus the marine ( i ran out on the last grow ) but added superthrive and koolbloom to this grow.