Too much water for seed in soil


Hi,3 days ago i germed a auto blueberry and put it in soil,today it reach top of soil:) but i think i gave too much water earlyer today,beacause it started to get dark green and bent alittle over to the side. U think its to late for it now? I will let i dry out for a few days,if it not die's quicly now..
Sorry bad wrighting...

new smokey

Active Member
it should be fine. what soils you usin? do you have a moisture meter? You can get them for pretty cheap at your local hardware store. definetly let her dry out.


That was quick:) Im using foxfarm ocean forest with extra added perlite. U meen moisture meter that i can se airmoist? Yes i have,its 55% and 76F in my box. The ph i keep at 6.5+-0.2.

new smokey

Active Member
No get a soil moisture meter. Mine works wonders. it was a cheap and very good investment. You stick it your soil and it will tell you if your soil is wet moist or dry. watch the fox farm i hear or I should say read that they are easly infested with bugs.


I will get one of those yes,i have read about this soil,and someone says its too hot and can burn seedlings,and others says they have very good experience with ffof in all stages and never had problems,hope this will go my way,i will let the soil dry now,hope it survives..

new smokey

Active Member
It will let it dry to the point that your leaves are starting to doop from thirst. then hit them with enought for the water to just start to show out the bottom. Mj is a weed and to most they think it's an exact science but for the most part it's just know the signs of what your plant is showing. As for soil I mix my own. Everyone has their own preferance. I load mine with all organics from guano to blood and bone meal. The only nutes I ever add are stuff that are in my soil. I hope you have great success.


Thanks new smokey:) i will let them show when water is neded. But today the tips started to curl upwards,is that a sign of too much water? i transplanted them today into 6.5l potts,some pictures here:004.jpg002.jpg003.jpg001.jpg


I guess i can wait a at least one week before feeding nutrients? This is my nutes: I know these auto's are nute sensitive so will add 1/4 when time is in for add some. What u think of the nutes folks?nutrients.jpg

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I don't think you're going to need any nutrients. That soil should have everything that little auto needs for the next 60 days. Maybe a small amount of bloom as a boost around the 4th week of life... but nothing before then.


Snow crash:Ok,then i will wait and see,maybe thats all they needs as u say.
g13hydo: I will get my two 120mm pc fans by monday,meanwhile its good cirkulation i box. Transplanted a couple of hours ago,i didnt think of light on roots:(,what is the consequence for plants by giving roots light?


I'm cheking into my plants several times a day,can that stress them when i opens the door? The temp is stable even tough i opens the box a few times a day,i'm thinking sinse it auto's they can handle the LED on and off some times a day,im i thiniking the right way here?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member

Just turn the light on and let them grow. Take the soil from saturated to dry. Really, you're over thinking this whole thing. Plants grow. It is what they do. All you have to do is make sure the conditions are right. You probably don't need to "check" on your plants several times a day and you definitely need a consistent light schedule. I suggest 18/6.


Been giving just alittle water,think they need more. I guess i overthinking yes and a bit exited and my first grow,but just keep it moist and 18/6 i will try if u think its better. Thanks.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
It isn't about "giving a little water."

Actually, giving a little water is responsible for killing many plants.

What you do is give a lot of water. Enough to see at least 25% of what you added drain out the bottom. Then you lift the planter daily to determine how much moisture is left in the dirt. When the planter becomes exceptionally light it is time to water again. This is usually around every 4th day, but can be as often as every other day or as infrequent as every 8 days. It depends on the planter size and the plant size.

Young plants need VERY little water (deciliters per week) while older plants might burn through 1/2 a gallon or more per day.


Well-Known Member
It isn't about "giving a little water."

Actually, giving a little water is responsible for killing many plants.

What you do is give a lot of water. Enough to see at least 25% of what you added drain out the bottom. Then you lift the planter daily to determine how much moisture is left in the dirt. When the planter becomes exceptionally light it is time to water again. This is usually around every 4th day, but can be as often as every other day or as infrequent as every 8 days. It depends on the planter size and the plant size.

Young plants need VERY little water (deciliters per week) while older plants might burn through 1/2 a gallon or more per day.
That is good info...overwatering is the easiest way to kill or stunt your is over nute which you are about to do with your nutes and FFOF.....


Misguided Angel
Auto blueberry plants do not like the soil to get too dry. They are also very nutrient sensitive so if you are going to feed them nutes use less then you normally would. Good luck!


It isn't about "giving a little water."

Actually, giving a little water is responsible for killing many plants.

What you do is give a lot of water. Enough to see at least 25% of what you added drain out the bottom. Then you lift the planter daily to determine how much moisture is left in the dirt. When the planter becomes exceptionally light it is time to water again. This is usually around every 4th day, but can be as often as every other day or as infrequent as every 8 days. It depends on the planter size and the plant size.

Young plants need VERY little water (deciliters per week) while older plants might burn through 1/2 a gallon or more per day.
Thanks again,will do what u say and dont let soil dry out.