too much rain?

Bill Smith

Active Member
i have 23 babies that are about a month old. they are in tha ground so i cant move them, and its been raining here ALOT (everyday for the past 3 days), plus its supposed to rain today and for atleast 3 more days. im not talkin a normal shower, i'm talkin tornado weather. we've been under tornado watches on and off almost for a whole damn week. my plants dont look to me like they've had too much water yet, but how can i protect them from getting too much? also on top of all of this, bugd have been eating on about 6 or 7 of my plants. i've already posted on that, but how much liquid soap to water ratio should i put to spray on my babies to repel the bugs?

Bill Smith

Active Member
also, some of my plants have a light yellow tint to them. could this be from all the water? maybe from the lack of sunlight, since it's been cloudy so much?


Well-Known Member
also, some of my plants have a light yellow tint to them. could this be from all the water? maybe from the lack of sunlight, since it's been cloudy so much?
hey man. id say you have to just wait it out.. Ive only grown a few times but Ive learned that when you grow in the middle of nowhere you have to expect some if not most to die somehow. I ALWAYS germinate way more than need and it works out. I don't have the luxury of a club with cuttings.

Hopefully the sun will come out and they will still be around.

ohh do you have pictures? and how big are they?


Well-Known Member
im in the same situation as you, its just something you have to expect. If you really want you can build or put some type of shelter over them. The downside to that is it will attract attention. If plants are large enough and have strong stems rain shouldnt be a problem


Well-Known Member
Too much water outdoors would mean a flood.
Short of that, you'll be alright, water-wise. Yes, the yellowing very well could be related to the excess water and/or lack of decent sunlight.
i just had the same problem. mine were in pots and were flooded so i drained them and am waiting for the sun to get to them. we havent had sun because of the rain for like 5 days now and it is still overcast


Well-Known Member
Like a previous post said. Always expect half to die outside. Im not saying this is always true but its very hard to control the weather and sometimes the bugs are impossible. So you should usually plant 10-15 more then you want but in the end you will have exactly what you want.
the yellow will go away when the sun comes back out..... but yes several will probably die, mine did. thank god i had several more ready for replacement. We'll all be praying for rain come august!!

Bill Smith

Active Member
hey man. id say you have to just wait it out.. Ive only grown a few times but Ive learned that when you grow in the middle of nowhere you have to expect some if not most to die somehow. I ALWAYS germinate way more than need and it works out. I don't have the luxury of a club with cuttings.

Hopefully the sun will come out and they will still be around.

ohh do you have pictures? and how big are they?
I don't have pics right now, but I will soon hopefully. they are around a month old, but ther sizes vary. have 2 wit 14 leaves but one is ALOT bgger than the other, but it's still just a baby (probably 2 inches tall)
I'm right there with you man, hate the rain right now, but it'll be needed later on... this also happened to some other veggies I put out, sadly...looks like you planned ahead a little better than I did, anyway heres to more sun! =)


Well-Known Member
About the bugs get some sevin dust sold @ walmart& dust your plants with it every couple of weeks but not too heavy.