Too much light

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
I'm using a 600 watt dimmable down to 300 watts in a 2x4 space 9 feet high. My question is this. In that small space the intensity is too much for my plants even at its highest /farthest distance on its 300 watt setting. I need to try to diffuse the light somehow. My plants aren't stretching and the nodes are super close together. I thought using some screening between the light and the canopy to try and dim it some. Any thoughts or comments for this?


Active Member
I'm using a 600 watt dimmable down to 300 watts in a 2x4 space 9 feet high. My question is this. In that small space the intensity is too much for my plants even at its highest /farthest distance on its 300 watt setting. I need to try to diffuse the light somehow. My plants aren't stretching and the nodes are super close together. I thought using some screening between the light and the canopy to try and dim it some. Any thoughts or comments for this?
Usually people like stacked nodes. Tighter nodes= fatter buds

Altered State

Well-Known Member
Swap in a HPS bulb if you want it to stretch , they cause stretching and MH cause short inter node spacing.
If you are using a HPS then the plant is likely responsible in that case blast it with light and let it do its thing

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
I'm using a hps my error I thought I put that in the thread. It's not just tight nodes it's miniaturized leaves too. The plants vegetation isn't doing much. They are green and healthy but just no stretching. I'm gonna try the screen for a while and see if it helps. My space is just too tight to get a 4 ft flouro fixture in there and I can't modify the space so I need to come up with something.


Well-Known Member
Post a pic? Whats your environment like? What have you fed so far? 2x4x9 doesn't sound bad at all for a 600 hps as long as temps/rh is in check and if its dimmed down to 300w id expect a little node stretching but genetics could be playing its part also.