too much heat with 600w HPS?


Active Member
I have closet space that ive been using t5 flouros in so i havent had any heat problems. my friend has a 600w HPS light he is willing to give to me with the ballast and all...i was just wondering if this will be too much heat for my 2x2x6 space?? any help would be appreciated as i am about to start my second grow soon :weed: thanks


Well-Known Member
nooo it will be too much , you will never be able to suck enough air out of there , if ur guna go hps go with 150 , maaaayyyybe 300 but i know 400 is way too much for a 5 ft by 4 ft by 8ft tall , stick with cfl and have weak green , oooorrrrr build a grow box


Well-Known Member
Well thats more than ya need but if its free well then yea take it. Get air cooled reflector, and duct fan with ventilation. Pull cool air through the reflector. I get mine from window AC.


Well-Known Member
You will SMOKE CHECK!! that closet. Way way too much for any of them.

Stick with the T-5 HO. You will get respectable results using them and not have to deal with much heat.


Active Member
thanks guys. i thought it was too much...just making sure. im going to look into a 150w hps which i think will be just fine...any ideas on price?