Too many plants. HELP!


Active Member
This is my first grow using indoor ebb and flow w/1000w HPS.

My girls are 2 weeks into flowering using Lucas formula

I ended up w/ 10 plants, after removing 2 males.
Now I have a very thick canopy with very little light reaching the bottom branches

I hate destroying good females so my question is this:
Has anybody here ever take an ebb and flow plant (growing in hydroton/bucket) outside
in the late spring, reverted it to veg and fed with nutes manually? Will it live?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i have to agree with plantz this wont be good, hydro plantd will do bad in soil you'd have a better chance cloning the plants that look the best and put them out door... continue this till the plants aren't so thick this will help with light penetration and results best if you think carefully about the the light hitting the plant and accidently blocking light in certain bud spots those are the spots where you need to clone... or you can just say f$#k it and trim where needed and remember this next grow!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i have to agree with plantz this wont be good, hydro plantd will do bad in soil you'd have a better chance cloning the plants that look the best and put them out door... continue this till the plants aren't so thick this will help with light penetration and results best if you think carefully about the the light hitting the plant and accidently blocking light in certain bud spots those are the spots where you need to clone... or you can just say f$#k it and trim where needed and remember this next grow!
thats stupid find a place 2 put em' dont topp potentail good bud baring plants


Well-Known Member
thats stupid find a place 2 put em' dont topp potentail good bud baring plants

Dude, there hydro... if you knew anything about it then you would know that he would need a new room and set up, witch I'm pretty sure he don't got... or he woulden't be asking this question... at least I don't think.

By cloning(not topping!) the parts that are blocking light from the rest of the plant you get new plants (same as first bud bearing plants so no waste:mrgreen:) and the buds will swell nicely and you waste nothing :bigjoint:!!!

Fried... to help others on this form, don't talk shit when you never ate food(Food = knowledge shit = what you say)

not trying to be mean or anything but i don't like people giving out bad or miss known info.


Well-Known Member
lol i have to agree with you "KillaCrip" because "fried at 420" has posted in like 10 other peoples threads talkign shit calling them stupid and retards. I hope the Feds knock in your door and rape your plants.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow using indoor ebb and flow w/1000w HPS.

My girls are 2 weeks into flowering using Lucas formula

I ended up w/ 10 plants, after removing 2 males.
Now I have a very thick canopy with very little light reaching the bottom branches

I hate destroying good females so my question is this:
Has anybody here ever take an ebb and flow plant (growing in hydroton/bucket) outside
in the late spring, reverted it to veg and fed with nutes manually? Will it live?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

just super crop your plants that means bend until the stem gives and do that all over so light can penetrate to the lower foliage and it will also keep them plant down and reverting will cause hermie and buds to grow back to leafy type as it was before