Too many females?!?


Active Member
Well, I know it's not a common This is my first grow. I am growing in soil, in a 4x4x6 tent, under 400w HPS. I started 10 from seed. 4 Early Durban (Flying Dutchmen) and 6 from some Sri Lankan bag seed I had. Now, 8 of these (4 of each) made it through vegging and are now 1.5 weeks into flowering (12/12). 7 confirmed females out of the 8 and the male has already been disposed of.

My question is...Am I going to have problems growing 7 females under 400w? So far they look wonderful (I may post pics later). But they are growing so fast I worry about lighting the larger they get.

The Sri Lankan bagseed looks to be pure Sativa and that would jive with the high it gave when I was there. They were consistently shorter than the Durbans up until they had a huge growth spurt last week (they love them some 12/12..LOL) and are now a few inches taller. I've even had to train the tallest two some to keep my canopy at a nice even level.

Any Thoughts? Overall I am ECSTATIC with the's beyond all I hoped for.


Well-Known Member
It really depends on how big you grow them, but you could grow 7 really nice plants under a 400w light.

Yeah the last time I planted seeds i didnt even get 1 male out of like 20 seeds everything turned out fem, it was amazing.


Well-Known Member
Yea just grow they out as best you can under the light. It will be a nice harvest with that many females im jealous. lol


Active Member
By looking at my name you can probably imagine that I have NOTHING to speak of here....sooo I have no Idea what I am going to do with 7 plants This was all just a grand experiment and only for personal consumption;)

It all started when I was planning a trip to Amsterdam when my wife piped up and said "For the price of the flight and hotels you could grow your own"

Guess who regrets those words now....LMAO


Active Member
A 420 your wife is not the happy camper now? hugh!!!! my wife said ""you spend as much time in there WITH THOSE DAMN PLANTS THATS TAKING TO LONG so are they ready yet ...'' i swear i lmfao!!!!!
This is my very first grow and i got 5 females throwing preflowers at 60 days veg... and i cant wait... im doing a cfl 2 hydro (10 gallons apiece) and 5 soils ...i got 1 male after 2 days of 12/12 he hit the trash before he could say ''MY BALLS"" and now i still have a pot with 2 plants to see wut happens WHEN U MESS WITH NATURE SO I'M PRETTY HAPPY:) O DID I MENTION THAT THEY ARE ALL BAGSEED AND LOOK GOOD NOW 8 DAYS IN FLOWER AND NUTE'N IT UP...


Well-Known Member
make sure u clone at least a 10 or so. That safe number keep those going till u get a good mom or 2 then ucan just pop in clones into the tent as soon as the last crop finished! It;s funny i doing th same thing. Same setup but hydro, lol. I said for the time it taked my dealer to get here ican just grow my own. shit i was completley ignorant of what i was getting into to. Now i bursting with equip and just built this for my tent.



Well-Known Member
too many fems?? im doing 12/12 from seed and i had 30 seedlings under a 600w hps im hoping for around 15 to 20 fems. i have 3 fems and ive pulled 3 males so far, so i still have like 27 plants under my 600. but my plants are without veg and small just how i like em. it gives me a better bud to leaf ratio and it makes it easier to manage. i guess i just get nervous when i open my cab and i have a four foot jungle in there. my plants 12/12 from seed only get about a foot tall with LST, but i need alot of them to catch a nice yeild, but i dont have to move my light too much. 7 fems will do well under that 400 watter. peace.:mrgreen: