Too late to transplant?


Active Member
So I've been kinda stupid and lazy and didn't transplant my plants as early as I should have. But anyways, this is what I've got. Do you think the roots have tangled already? And if so, would you recommend just separating the soil in the middle between plants or should I kill the weaker plants? What are the chances of survival if I cut some roots?

Here are some recent pics. How are they looking btw? About 3-4 weeks old now.



Well-Known Member
You can transplant them still,just use some b-1 when you do transplant to help reduce shock.


Well-Known Member
def transplant and what light are u using???? u just have them in the window? reason I ask is that that kinda small for 4 weeks....imo


Active Member
def transplant and what light are u using???? u just have them in the window? reason I ask is that that kinda small for 4 weeks....imo
They're probably closer to 3 weeks than 4. But still, yeah they're small. They're chillin outside my window most of the time but they only get like 4-5 hours of direct sunlight in the mornings because the sun passes around to the other side of the building.

Time to stop being lazy and get them outside. Luckily, vacation starts tomorrow :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They're probably closer to 3 weeks than 4. But still, yeah they're small. They're chillin outside my window most of the time but they only get like 4-5 hours of direct sunlight in the mornings because the sun passes around to the other side of the building.

Time to stop being lazy and get them outside. Luckily, vacation starts tomorrow :blsmoke:
I feel if u just get a few cool blue or daylight clf's u would see a huge growth...


Well-Known Member
I feel if u just get a few cool blue or daylight clf's u would see a huge growth...
here is my much does a cfl setup cost for like two bulbs?...dont you need to buy cords and sockets and shit like that....if it like 20 buskc for 2 cfls then wouldnt it just be better to get a hps...even a 70 watt POS from HD?


Well-Known Member
here is my much does a cfl setup cost for like two bulbs?...dont you need to buy cords and sockets and shit like that....if it like 20 buskc for 2 cfls then wouldnt it just be better to get a hps...even a 70 watt POS from HD?
maybe 10-15 bucks if he wants to get a bunch...but this is for veg...I agree hps later on....


Active Member
Okay, so time has come to transplant and I figured I'd ask you guys for some advice so I don't slaughter my plants. The planter was kind of a stupid choice. But how do you guys suggest I get them out of there?


Well-Known Member
Just a thought . . . maybe you could take a very sharp knife and run it down thru the soil, outlining each individual plant, then leave them alone for a day or three, THEN ease the now mostly separated plants out of the old and into the new, keeping a knife/scissors with you to free any missed root. I'd start this when the plants were on the dry side and water them after I'd traced out the single plants. Don't try and transplant when your soil is too wet.
I'd do final tp's in the evening to give the plant(s) overnight to settle in.
You might wanna keep them out of direct sun for a day or two.
Just a thought.


Active Member
Thanks. That's what I thought at first but then I decided to try different methods on different plants so I don't kill em all if I go wrong. On my first plant I tried digging out the soil around the root ball and then, as gently as possible, pull the plant out of there by the stem.

It felt like pulling an arrow out of my heart or something though. Must have severely shocked the plant. Gave it some water now and will give it a few hours (enough?) to see how it's doing before I try the next one.

Also, I should water it after transplanting right? What about light? Darkness/shade/sun?


Well-Known Member
So I can water after is part of why I tp only almost or dried soil. It also seems to hold together much better when on the dry side. You'll know what to do re:environ, assuming you're around to keep an eye on things.