Too late to grow outdoors?

If I planted some feminized seedlings outdoors in July, would it be too late? This is in the NE US. I have Easy Ryder and Special Kush #1. Easy Ryder should be OK because it autoflowers and is 10 weeks seed to harvest. Special Kush #1 says its harvest is in late september. If I planted it now would it skip the vegetative stage and just be a shorter plant with decent buds? Or would it die before it flowered?


Well-Known Member
New England? - If you are in MAINE or northern NH or VT I would guess it to be too late for anything worth your time.. It may just end up being a shorter smaller plant which = smaller yields.. If you are in southern new england such as MA CT or RI I would think that IF they are already germinated and sprouting you would be fine - WITH NO ROOM FOR ERROR. Here in southern New England we can go all the way into the second or third week of October on a good year.. They usually start showing sex around 2nd and 3rd week of August which leaves you with about 5 weeks of vegetation. You could end up with some 3-4 footers by harvest if you do it today.

MY OPINION. I was considering starting more last week but have decided against it. We are in a drought and heat wave over here... Those two things do not mix too well with out doors gardens.