Tomorrow Morning DXM Trip Review


Well-Known Member
Riighhttt, I had the extractions of various syrups down by time I was 16 xD Made plenty of lsa extractions. I used to have these fish oil pill capsules that were HUGE. I would put 500mg of dxm in there and then the equivalent of 300 seeds of morning glory in there. I sold them for 10 a piece and everyone always bought them. The crazy shit was when taking two or three of those. Youd never overdose, but you could be mentally handicapped for a few days.
Now that's... the American way. God bless America.


Active Member
am i the only one that absolutely hates dxm, i had my dxm days but dam it makes you feel so dumd and sore, the hangover is absolute shit from robotripping


Well-Known Member
Lol its funny how many people come out and admit robotripping. Its so hard to surpass. Like still to this day, I had a few years of period where I didnt do it at all. But even now I do it every month or two.. Extractions now they are much easier. Lately its been messing with my head a little so I haven't been touching it.

I dont really feel hangovers from it, its great to have the next day off, and take a little more, and just a little opiate. You'll feel amazing. And you wont sleep... You could if you wanted too I guess. And smoking the next day is the best experience as well xD A lot of people hate dxm and a lot of people love it

And fuck ye! AMURCA!


New Member
I like DXM but haven't don it in a loong time.
1 or 2 times a month is still a little much.
I still see patterns when I look at certain things, DXM has some pretty long term effects, some bad some not as bad.


Well-Known Member
I still notice positive and negative effects from the dxm. I can usually control them since I know like how it is when those effects arent working on you. They last for months I swear. Even if I use it once. I never noticed a difference until recently though.. Now that I look back.. Aha xD

I never did dmt too much though, One week I smoked a whole gram of it to myself.. That was it, I rarely see it nowadays.. I have no clue as to why I dont just make some.. Doing too much of any p[sychedelic is bad Ive noticed lol