Tomato Questions?


Well-Known Member
I need some advice on how to germinate tomato seeds. I have no idea on how to grow these so anything you can tell me would be appreciated. I am going to start these indoors and then transplant outside once they are 1' or so. I have these varieties i am going to grow they are all heirloom.

Oxheart, Manalucie, San Marzano, Beefsteak, Cherokee Purple, Marglobe, Large Red Cherry, Roma, Ace 55, Yellow Pear.
Tomatoes are easy. One planting of one seed for each plant desired is all that is required. And if you end up with only one of any variety - tomatoes clone easily. Place the seed directly into a planting medium about 1/4 to 1/2 inch down and cover with soil. Soil should be kept warm & moist for seeds to germinate. Water lightly until seedlings emerge. Regular transplanting up to appropriate-sized container is recommended.

Organic method relies on plenty of compost a small bit of fertilizer. I recommend Fox Farms Organic Tomato & Vegetable Ferilizer. FoxFarm Organics :: Peace of Mind Fertilizers

As far as pests are concerned. Healthy & happy plants will be your best defense against pests and disease. Tomato hornworm will be your main foe. You will notice foliage disappearing overnight and little caterpillar turds on leaves and at the base of the plant. Manduca quinquemaculata

Good luck!