Toke and Bark?


Well-Known Member
my black lab has pretty bad arthritis so he doesn't do much running, one day he grabbed a pot cookie off the counter(he's a sneaky fucker) and we went outside and ran around for about 35 mins, then came in and just went to sleep. Seemed as if it helped with the arthritis


Well-Known Member
my black lab has pretty bad arthritis so he doesn't do much running, one day he grabbed a pot cookie off the counter(he's a sneaky fucker) and we went outside and ran around for about 35 mins, then came in and just went to sleep. Seemed as if it helped with the arthritis
So glad to hear! None of this surprises me, I once ran a Pet Store and far as I can tell Pet meds and Human meds are interchangeable! My Golden has bad itchy allergies and the Dog Dr said Benedryl... all the Senior Food brands have chondroiten/msm... We honestly told folks to save $ and go to the people drug store, it's all the same in every product I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Great point about the weed helping your buddy. What's so wrong about keeping your dog comfortable? He must be a fighter. I've lost several to cancer and wished I would have tried some edibles to help with the pain and side effects. Good Luck!
Not just a matter of pain and side effects... there's a good chance cannabis can help with remission itself... rick simpson oil and what not... ohmy, keep him going on those cookies... maybe do some straight rick simpson oil and mix it into his food or something. It supposedly flat out cures cancer.


Well-Known Member
my black lab has pretty bad arthritis so he doesn't do much running, one day he grabbed a pot cookie off the counter(he's a sneaky fucker) and we went outside and ran around for about 35 mins, then came in and just went to sleep. Seemed as if it helped with the arthritis
Have you considered keeping him on a daily dose?