today is good for watching fox news


Well-Known Member
the butthurt is delightful.

unlike the republicans who post here who can and have run away for the most part, they have to be there and have their butthurt on full display.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
the butthurt is delightful.

unlike the republicans who post here who can and have run away for the most part, they have to be there and have their butthurt on full display.

I would never of guessed, that you would pay extra for the fox news channel..........nitro..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They are resorting to snark. They're reporting the election results interspersed with digs at the President.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.


Well-Known Member
I actually turned Hannity on for a bit today on the radio. He was being his usual comedic self claiming Romneys big mistake was running a clean campaign.


Well-Known Member
A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.

Please move to Saudi Arabia where you can live happily among other religious whackos.


Well-Known Member
This is great. Watch Rove tapdance for two full minutes when Fox calls Ohio for Obama.

homina, homina, homina,0,911700.story

A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.
Kill yourself then. Please let your family live.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.
Oh, please. Fucking drama queens. I bet you're typing from one of those FEMA death camps right now. Why aren't you dead yet?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.
translation= waaahhhhhhhh
hey fletch,..."We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon..."... its 2012.. bush is no longer president...

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.
you still mad?[video=youtube;eX8tL3PMj7o][/video]


Well-Known Member
A sad day for America as she has died...the stupid, uneducated, lazy people voted for the most anti-American enemy the likes we had ever seen. A great country brought to her knees by those to lazy to do thei homework and prefer to be told what to do by a government and to release their freedoms in exchange for hand outs. We lost our freedom to a current card carying socilist hell bent on killing the working middle class and who's hate for the constitution is a viral as Stalins hate for freedom of his people. I do think those who were that stupid to vote for this war criminal treasonous loon should be branded with an idiot tattoo and be recognized as enemies of the former United States.
obama won those stupid, uneducated people with post-graduate degrees 55-42.

obama won those lazy mothers by 53-46, and won 8 out of the 10 wealthiest counties in the nation.

you're just a fucking crybaby and you can't even spell words correctly.

shut the fuck up, you're out of your element.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lol I am not a religious person I am athest but I am a patriot and I do have a heavy background in economics and constitutional studies. Those who voted for Obama obviously have never read the constitution, love being controled and to lazy to work. It's funny dems will talk a ton of crap but never able to give factual backing to their thoughts. The biggest answer from a dem if you say your against Obama is.....Your racist...its just a lack of their own knowledge of the rights and laws America was founded on. Obama has openly stepped on the constitution and has broken many laws so far.He needed to have congressional approval before any help went to Eygpt and he went around them and send boots in. That's a huge illegal treasonous actions. Not a made up thing as it is very much real and right there done in front of you so to deny it means you are clueless. The Obamacare package which right at 80% of the country was against violates the commissons trade act by forcing participation of a monatary government program. His best friends are convicted terrorists who detonated bombs against US citizens in the 60s. He to this day is still registerd as a paid member socialist. Again if you take 5 minutes you can go see his documents and registration online.4 years and this moron still hasn't figured out how to show a budget...sooo he is either retarded or hiding things your choice. Basic facts. I suggest you leave this country since you obviously do not care enough to even know the basics and just sit at home bitching because you have to do stuff to make it in life on your own.


Well-Known Member
Those who voted for Obama obviously have never read the constitution, love being controled and to lazy to work.
8 out of the 10 wealthiest counties in the nation voted for obama.

those lazy, socialist loving, wealthiest counties in the nation.

you're a goddamned motherfucking idiot, fletch.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I love to see the poor dems. They cry and whine how they blame republicans and the Tea Party for being racists and violent yet they turn and show how angry, violent and racist they truly...It makes you look very stupid when you say stop whining when the only whining are you dems posting violence. I am not whining. Obama got the numbers and won I didn't dispute that unlike the crying dems when Bush won his reelection.Did I make violent threats to any on the boards? Oh wait thats you angry violent racist dems..UncleBuck you're the funniest.. You try to slam forum grammar then start a sentence with lower case grammar lol nothing like an idiot who thinks he is above people then makes the exact same mistakes...Yes you do look stupid...Those who are posting violent threats and thoughts do know you are in violation of the site rules correct? There is a zero tolerance on the site for it so your accounts should be gone shortly. You have to play nice, but I do see why you support Obama as you obviously do not believe in freedom of expression or speech by citizens. You believe as a typical democrat if it is not your view then you must respond with violence. Such a sad sad way to live.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You should be happy though..Castro, Chavez,and Putin all endorse and congratulated Obama. Nothing like being endorsed by the world biggest communist leaders for standing and fighting for what they believe.


Well-Known Member
I love to see the poor dems. They cry and whine how they blame republicans and the Tea Party for being racists and violent yet they turn and show how angry, violent and racist they truly...It makes you look very stupid when you say stop whining when the only whining are you dems posting violence. I am not whining. Obama got the numbers and won I didn't dispute that unlike the crying dems when Bush won his reelection.Did I make violent threats to any on the boards? Oh wait thats you angry violent racist dems..UncleBuck you're the funniest.. You try to slam forum grammar then start a sentence with lower case grammar lol nothing like an idiot who thinks he is above people then makes the exact same mistakes...Yes you do look stupid...Those who are posting violent threats and thoughts do know you are in violation of the site rules correct? There is a zero tolerance on the site for it so your accounts should be gone shortly. You have to play nice, but I do see why you support Obama as you obviously do not believe in freedom of expression or speech by citizens. You believe as a typical democrat if it is not your view then you must respond with violence. Such a sad sad way to live.
angry violent racism fail from a fucking moron.
