to top, fim, or bend? [pics] aerogarden


Active Member
hi guys,

Im 31 days in on my first grow, growing in an aerogarden...

How am I looking?

I think i have waited a bit too long to do the first 'topping' because I have been worried about stressing the plant... but i think I'm ready now

Does anyone have an opinion on if i should top or fim the big one? or any other method for that matter

I was planning on topping and then pulling down the top 2 branches lightly and training them...

the PH level is constantly rising still to almost above 8 but i still keep trying to balance it with PH down, but the plants look healthy so i'm not that worried

Thanks for any advice



Well-Known Member
Well 1 of your plants looks about big enuff for 31 days as far as nodes go. The others are a tad small, but healthy looking. Although Im not a fan of aero gros mainly because of the flowering results. Vegatative is ok, but I wish u could get some hps light on em for budding if you want thick hard buds instead of light fluffy ones. I think bending your plants is the best way, with strategic trimming, . If you got a fan leaf that is blocking 4 or 5 buds from getting light it needs to be trimed or bent and tucked. Sometimes trimming is best just never trim more than 1 or 2 leaves at a time and only if u cant bend it out of the way, . Thats my 2 cents.


Active Member
yep i've got a 400w HPS for the flower - i read that enough times here to catch the hint :) thanks dude

(reading that link now, thanks kooguy)


Well-Known Member
Damn look great, im growing in the AG too, check out my grow in my signature, i would topp them, especially you biggest one, there lookin great, that HPS will make a huge difference, good luck


Active Member
thanks SICC - i've been watching your grow for awhile, your plants are looking crazy bushy, very admirable

good luck!