To the over-sensetive stoners


Well-Known Member
Because I have personally been gang raped and fucked in the ass til it bled by strangers I don't even know so may times I cannot even count. I've had other things like toilet plungers stuck in my ass till it bled too besides many other crude ruthless shit so yes I am sensitive to the SUBJECT and YES I HAVE ISSUES. :evil:
So laugh all you want. They all did when they did it to me. yes I am one very fu*ked up chick.

Obviously :peace:
Ahh yes...One of the many uses for the plunger.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The subject was written at 3:00 am totally stoned.

Real men? I didn't break up for her solely for that reason, I didn't talk about her vagina, all I said basically was that she had no rhythm. That is nowhere near a sexcapade. If I was talking about good sex, it would have been. This isn't a conquer I'm proud of, I don't even view it as a conquer or sex with any girl as such.

I was just wondering what people would do, and I said it so many times in that thread and I'll say it ONCE here, I didn't break up for her solely for that reason. and that's my point. The thread was jokingly written. I was wondering in what esteem people put sex into. I broke up with her for real reasons. I'm not some sleeze bag so don't assume me to be.

You should have taught her.


Well-Known Member
If it was just someone I would have sent it to... well that someone. So no that's not the case, don't try to analyze me again, you don't know me.

If Lacy was being serious that's a pretty shitty thing to say.

I dated her for like 8 months before we had sex, so I'm not some dog, but in that time I became disillusioned with who she was as a person. When I broke up with her, I didn't list sex as one of my reasons. The sex is what finally made me decide to break up with her.


New Member
I was being serious and regret writing that now but yes Biggravy.....................bend over and lets see how you like it buddy. :hump:
Then flap your mouth. :evil:
Ahh yes...One of the many uses for the plunger.:mrgreen:
If it was just someone I would have sent it to... well that someone. So no that's not the case, don't try to analyze me again, you don't know me.

If Lacy was being serious that's a pretty shitty thing to say.

I dated her for like 8 months before we had sex, so I'm not some dog, but in that time I became disillusioned with who she was as a person. When I broke up with her, I didn't list sex as one of my reasons. The sex is what finally made me decide to break up with her.


Well-Known Member
If it was just someone I would have sent it to... well that someone. So no that's not the case, don't try to analyze me again, you don't know me.

If Lacy was being serious that's a pretty shitty thing to say.

I dated her for like 8 months before we had sex, so I'm not some dog, but in that time I became disillusioned with who she was as a person. When I broke up with her, I didn't list sex as one of my reasons. The sex is what finally made me decide to break up with her.

I'm going to take the first quote... because I believe it pertains to me.

You're funny. You try to project this image onto others, but it's really you.You're the over-sensitive stoner who can't accept the fact that he's a crybaby. That's not an analyzation. You've made that abundantly clear with your font. "Dont ever analyze me again". What are you gonna do about it? Flood my inbox? Grow up.


Well-Known Member
haha no it does pertain to you.

And I'm sorry(I don't mean this sarcastically) but when you infer something such as I hate you and I'm going to flood your inbox, it doesn't offend me, it more just makes me wonder why you think I would take the time to flood your inbox.

Look, I don't like baseless judgement, I also don't like when you tell me what I'm going to do.

But look, you can dislike me for any reason, that's your choice, but I'm not going to accept baseless acusations.

What I want to know the most is:

You've got a kickass dog biggravy how's it doing? I want to get a dog too but not sure if my apartment is big enough, if you could send me a pm about raising your dog it would be greatly appreciated! I can walk a dog etc, but more I was wondering about your dog, because that's exactly what I want


Well-Known Member
haha no it does pertain to you.

And I'm sorry(I don't mean this sarcastically) but when you infer something such as I hate you and I'm going to flood your inbox, it doesn't offend me, it more just makes me wonder why you think I would take the time to flood your inbox.

Look, I don't like baseless judgement, I also don't like when you tell me what I'm going to do.

But look, you can dislike me for any reason, that's your choice, but I'm not going to accept baseless acusations.

What I want to know the most is:

You've got a kickass dog biggravy how's it doing? I want to get a dog too but not sure if my apartment is big enough, if you could send me a pm about raising your dog it would be greatly appreciated! I can walk a dog etc, but more I was wondering about your dog, because that's exactly what I want
dude, I don't dislike you. You haven't given me a reason not to. He's good. We were scared, because he was having diahrea with some spotting. But it turns out h is stomach was upset. 1. Based on me giving him table food to early, and his transition. Thank you for asking.See I think that's cool of you to ask.


New Member
Ahhhh....thats so sweet. not you two kiss and make up. :mrgreen::peace:

Dogs are good. :hump:

haha no it does pertain to you.

And I'm sorry(I don't mean this sarcastically) but when you infer something such as I hate you and I'm going to flood your inbox, it doesn't offend me, it more just makes me wonder why you think I would take the time to flood your inbox.

Look, I don't like baseless judgement, I also don't like when you tell me what I'm going to do.

But look, you can dislike me for any reason, that's your choice, but I'm not going to accept baseless acusations.

What I want to know the most is:

You've got a kickass dog biggravy how's it doing? I want to get a dog too but not sure if my apartment is big enough, if you could send me a pm about raising your dog it would be greatly appreciated! I can walk a dog etc, but more I was wondering about your dog, because that's exactly what I want
dude, I don't dislike you. You haven't given me a reason not to. He's good. We were scared, because he was having diahrea with some spotting. But it turns out h is stomach was upset. 1. Based on me giving him table food to early, and his transition. Thank you for asking.See I think that's cool of you to ask.


Well-Known Member
Im with lacy on this one.
pretty immature to even make a post about dumping a girl because she's bad in bed. honestly... does it make you feel good about yourself to publicly announce that you're a spineless loser. yes. Im judging you. in a forum thats what you do. you learn peoples personalities by how they act in forums. and almost always how they act on here is certainly relatively close to how they act in real life. Im sure you were quick to tell all your friends why you were dumping you.

its funny that you would make another post to validate your first post basically. and it pretty much makes you oversensitive for making another post complaining about peoples comments on the subject.

a subject like that is bound to offend some poeple... especially the females in the community. I dont think that makes us oversensitive as much as it makes us human. everyone has feelings and you should treat others how you would expect to be treated and Im sure you'd love it if she went around on some forums posting about your small penis!


Well-Known Member
I wish my wife posted on here. Her e-bitchiness makes me randy, and I think she'd get along with most of the women on this site.


New Member
lacy can we kiss and make-up? Or just kiss? I'm close enough to canada
Umm... ok let me think about that for a while.:roll:..NO!

yes my penis is tiny!
Well that'll help for sure. :shock:

Ahem...Be quiet.:blsmoke:
Me be quiet????? Haha! Thats funny. Not even a mouth full of mashmellows will keep me quiet. :hump:

I wish my wife posted on here. Her e-bitchiness makes me randy, and I think she'd get along with most of the women on this site.
her ex-bitches???:confused: Yeah us women really dig guys like you. :roll::razz::wall:


Well-Known Member
Umm... ok let me think about that for a while.:roll:..NO!

Well that'll help for sure. :shock:

Me be quiet????? Haha! Thats funny. Not even a mouth full of mashmellows will keep me quiet. :hump:

her ex-bitches???:confused: Yeah us women really dig guys like you. :roll::razz::wall:
E-bitcheness. Not ex-bitches. Like e-mail is short for electronic mail. E-bitcheness is short for electronic bitchiness. Are you always this assuming?
I mean really where did you get Ex from?


New Member
cause I'm overly sensitive :hump:
E-bitcheness. Not ex-bitches. Like e-mail is short for electronic mail. E-bitcheness is short for electronic bitchiness. Are you always this assuming?
I mean really where did you get Ex from?
He found me but I lost him. :mrgreen: