to many roots for the bucket

Iv got four plants going out of one 2.5 gallon bucket and the root mass on theses things are like a foot and a half long and there not to to thik but will it effect the growing if they're all clamped up together the plants are in flowering stage on 12/12 almost second week still no sex its pissing mnf o hairs no nothing I'm pissed they're like 7 or 8 in tall one is branching off from evry direction with other leaves poping out tween the nodes so should I sepperate them give them each ther own five gallon bucket and stone :wallm


Well-Known Member
it was a bad idea to plant more than 1 plant to the container anyways, but if they are 7-8 in tall and branching out odds are your roots are prolly such a tangled mess that there is no way you are going to seperate the plants without damaging the roots. btw it almost sounds like you are growing in soil, but then you said your root ball is like 1.5 feet long so that gives me the impression you are doing some type of hydro........another thing, if you are in your second week of flowering you may want to just hold off on transplanting them at all kuz it will inevitably stress you plant to do so, plus since they haven't shown sex yet, you may end up cutting down a male or two anyhow.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yeah you fucked up, hate to seem so blunt. What you're experiencing is known as root lock. Basically the roots are competing for space and once they max out they'll stop growing in height too. Any competition slows down growth. Scrap this as soon as you feel comfortable. I should have scrapped my 12/12 grow months ago.. Damn you stubbornness!