to legalize or not to legalize.. that is the question


Active Member
so me and my 2 smoke buddies were sitting at the park gettin high yesterday. randomly, we brought up the topic of the legalization of marijuana. my friend mike made a valid point. do we really want marijuana to be legalized?
if the govt REALLY got a hold of it, they'd TAX it like crazy wouldnt they?.. and if they tax it and raise the price wouldnt the dealers just lower the prices, and we'd still buy from the streets. still good quality. just cheaper. but i say hey, @ least we get to smoke in peace.. right?



Active Member
naw they would tax it but it'd be far cheaper than what we pay for it now. and taxing marijuana would be a great thing for the economy; it's a win-win compared to what we have now. the opportunity cost of dealing weed would increase sharply, and dealers, being in it for the money, would stop selling. i personally don't want it legalized cuz i don't think people would use it as discreetly as they do now. if i was a parent, i'd have a huge problem with people smoking and driving. moreover most people can't use marijuana often without becoming lethargic idiots, and encountering stoned people all day would become as annoying as running into drunks all day.