To flush or not to flush?


Well-Known Member
You shoulda paired this question with

Which is better led or hps

We coulda got the whole gang in here and really went crazy lol

My point being, your never getting a clear answer on this subject , it's a highly debated topic in the search feature. Every thread ending the same way, a bunch say yes and a bunch say no
We all say dont flush here, the answer has been well documented by growers here many times and if you note the reason most simply fade not flush.

Even then theres plenty of us like i who just feed full strength to finish, hell ill fertilize in the last week and do quite a lot just cause im lazy and skilled like that.

Tje only argument that exists is the newer grower who hasnt had tine to try it many times till they come to the same conclusion.

Its more tossed around by those who do overfert :-)
You can not "flush" nutrients from plants = SCIENCE!
If you don't feed them for some weeks (fade) The plant is STILL moving the nutrient in the plant TO the buds !

As far as any home done side by side? Your brain finds a difference in things when "told" to. Even when the things being tested, are exactly the SAME = SCIENCE !!

It's called, Confirmation Bias

Once you get an idea in your head, you seek out only the evidence that supports your thought.

In the end, flushing is subject to so very many variables that there can be no general consensus made on it one way or the other. Through simple habit, I don't so much "flush" as I do just stop giving nutrients the week of harvest. I always harvest on a Saturday, so I stop all nutrients or additives of any kind on Sunday.

It's probably more of a "feel good" thing than anything else. I've had a few smokes from folks that swear flushing for weeks is the holy grail of all marijuana and I've smoked some from guys that say it's all bullshit.

I've never really seen any difference.

It's all subjective to our own thoughts, really. In the end, most any difference between the two has far more to do with what was done for the several months the grow took than it does what was done in the last 10 days or so.

That people have to argue to the point they'd come to blows were they in the same room over this topic is proof positive on just how far around the bend civilization has gone at this point.

Thanks to TacoMac for the above!

I got asked about this in a PM by a member after seeing the disaster another thread became. He asked where to find books and papers on "flushing" and said he might try the "fade".

Here's my answer to him......I felt it needs to be seen,,,,,,again!

Your looking for post grad work. You would do better to search papers......The thing is, NOTHING in agriculture gets 'flushed" and that leads to little to no research in the area. You see, the thing is, the whole "idea" of "flushing is nonsense! Plants don't work that way! They do not take up nutrients or salts as most of you think of them! They do not "store" them in the sense you think of them! Not only that, but the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers! NO amount of "flushing" will "exchange" plant "stored" nutrition back "out" of the plant! Scientifically impossible by the way most of you guys understand......Ok, that's my word on "flushing". (No one listens to this in threads if they don't want to hear it or accept it.)

Now then, you propose the "FADE TO FINISH" method. Great idea in theory but, and this IS a BIG BUT! Remember when I said above that "the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers!" ? This shoots that theory in the ass right away. You see the main amount of stored nutrition is in either the roots and the rest in leaves and some in small amounts in transit in the phloam (the sap that actually moves the nutrients around the plant)......

Now when you "starve a plant" it will draw from it's self by actually breaking down the needed parts of it's self to do an "emergency" attempt to reproduce! (This can happen in certain plants even in veg! A kind of last ditch effort to continue the species.)

With that in mind you take the fact that the plant is not "moving" nutrients "out" of buds, but into them to speed growth and as fast as it can - "reproduce". This single minded process the plant now puts it's self on causes the plant to stress it's self. This self induced stress can, in many cases if done long enough, lead the plant to go bisexual, and produce "banana's" in a last ditch effort to reproduce and "carry on the line" and produce seeds...

Basically put, In reality you are moving nutrients that you're "attempting" to get rid of,,right to where your trying to remove them from! You are also stressing the plant in the way for "Herming" to actually happen easier!

I and many others that have tried to convey this actual plant science, are called everything you can think of and those 'impossible of understanding these facts", fight so hard against us that many of us have simply chosen to avoid the issue or don't fight to hard.

Anyway, there you are in as short and sweet and as simple/understandable as I can...

The thing is you have to understand Botany and Horticulture (and there are LOTS of subsections to those that are involved here) to truly put together the pieces of the puzzle to get your head wrapped around the idea that flushing and the "fade" don't work for what they are intended or alleged to actually do!

There you go Mods, nice, polite and to the point. (Sorry about the other thread Sunni)

There you go, Now have at it!
I'm stepping back to watch the circus.

Read this too!
Great post:clap:


Well-Known Member
But keep in mind, don't make the mistake of not flushing away salt buildup if you're using a lot of salt based nutes or something. Lockout is real - (or will I get flamed for this?) :)
If you overfeed you will have problems but if you feed appropriately you will not have salt buildup. I use blumats in coco. There is no runoff, I never flush, plants do fine. But I probably feed half the strength as many people. Overfeeding is one of the main causes of plant issues.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my first few grows I had read so much about not needing to flush that I ended up with some pretty bad lockout issues with drying curling leaves and what not. But what's funny is the other more hardy strains I was growing did just fine... So many factors. And the end results were fine - not as good as they are today, but still did the job...


Well-Known Member
I was listening to a podcast with the author of Teaming w Microbes, he said flushing is pointless. Before i could throw his book in the trash he came back with "You're gonna taste the chemical anyway". Back on the shelf.

You can taste and smell overfed unfaded daytime harvested bud. You dont need a fuckin ash test. The Trichome Institute needs to develop that scratch and sniff test for unflushed bud they've been talking about.

But it's all in their heads according to the 2/3 of the population who failed the armpit sweat test (one third detected vanilla when presented with an armpit sweat sample, one third could not detect the sweat sample). Sorry but 66% of the population at the minimum is not allowed to hold an opinion on flushing. These are people who can close their eyes and plug their nose and confuse tooth paste with peanut butter. Your opinion does not matter at that point.

Confirmation bias, placebo effect. It works both ways. There are definitely more people who pretend their bud tastes good after reading a description on Leafly, than people who actually have good tasting weed that can't be sorted by its inputs. The shit people will say tastes good, that literally tastes like various grow products, it's astounding.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to a podcast with the author of Teaming w Microbes, he said flushing is pointless. Before i could throw his book in the trash he came back with "You're gonna taste the chemical anyway". Back on the shelf.

You can taste and smell overfed unfaded daytime harvested bud. You dont need a fuckin ash test. The Trichome Institute needs to develop that scratch and sniff test for unflushed bud they've been talking about.

But it's all in their heads according to the 2/3 of the population who failed the armpit sweat test (one third detected vanilla when presented with an armpit sweat sample, one third could not detect the sweat sample). Sorry but 66% of the population at the minimum is not allowed to hold an opinion on flushing. These are people who can close their eyes and plug their nose and confuse tooth paste with peanut butter. Your opinion does not matter at that point.

Confirmation bias, placebo effect. It works both ways. There are definitely more people who pretend their bud tastes good after reading a description on Leafly, than people who actually have good tasting weed that can't be sorted by its inputs. The shit people will say tastes good, that literally tastes like various grow products, it's astounding.
It's awesome you have such a strong and aggressive opinion, it's too bad flushing has ZERO scientific basis.

I tell everyone to try it themselves and make a decision. I tried it several times with different genetics, and never found any difference at all in the finished product.

Once I learned how to grow and dry properly my weed has never stopped tasting great :), and thats not just my opinion. Its been praised by almost every person that has smoked, or even seen and smelled it. The ONLY person to ever have a complaint about my weed was another grower that knew I didn't flush it, so he always whined about being able tell from the taste. UNTIL one time I told him hey guess what I started flushing last harvest what do you think? He immediately told me he could taste a huge difference and my weed tasted great! Thing is I never flushed the plants, it was all in his head just like most of you guys that think you can taste the difference and that the rest of us are crazy.