To Flower or Not?


I think I'm ready to flip but don't want to be premature. The tallest plant is 11 inches. Not showing sex yet as far as I can tell.DSCN0610.jpg
Here's the set up:

40 days in light warrior soil
Grow Big nutes
400w MH light
20/4 light cycle
Continuous fan
Temp range 70-76
Any constructive input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
How much height you got to work with? You won't be premature, some people grow 12/12 from seed. They are pretty much going to double in size from the time you switch till the harvest, so plan accordingly. Looking nice, good luck!


They are in a 10x10 room. How long once i flip them will they start showing sex? Right now they are in 2 gal pots. Can I transfer once they are flowering or do I need to do it before?


Well-Known Member
Flip and get them to indicate. Transplant later. Signs of early nitrogen toxicity on lower leaves, heat stress on the uppers. You need more air moving and the light moved up slightly.


Well-Known Member
Keep going as is for 7 days.
Then re-pot into 5 gal pots.
Veg another 14 days then flower IMO
If from seed, it's best to wait until the branches go from 'opposite' to 'alternate'.


I increased my fan and raised the light another 4in. This is my first grow. What does IMO stand for? Thanks!