To cut or not to cut....


Active Member
Whats good?
Noob starting an Aerogarden grow. Went well for a while, then i fucked around with the ph because my tester didnt't go low enough. Im pretty sure I over did it on the PH decreaser and now i have some nasty shit on my leaves. First off, I wasn't sure if the droopiness in the leaves was due to overwatering. Because the roots are constantly in water, im wondering what to do. There are also a bunch of brown spots on the tips of alot of the bigger fan leaves.
Good news is that i have already flushed the rez. I topped just before the plant started looking shitty and the new growth from that is beautiful. Good strong green color and no spots. Im wondering if I should just clip off the affected fan leaves and leave the new inner growth. Im sorry i dont have any pictures, general advise would be appreciated. As a side note to any one growing with an AG, what PH did yo use?
Thanks all,