To Chop..Or not to Chop..


Well-Known Member
Sooo... my lady is looking good..But is she ready!?


Thanks in advance peeps :) Have a great day all :leaf:

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
oooo so close, id say its 40% amber just now, they say---wait for 70% for the best effect, I,d say 2--3 days time, but everyman to his own taste, very nice plants by the way.


Active Member
i only do 5-10 % amber and 70% cloudy. i like that better then more amber. CUT IT BRO!!! have fun. smoke one up for us


I'm just a newbie. First harvest will be in a week. But I've researched that amber trichomes are 90% degraded THC. You are aiming for about 10% amber to maximize cloudy. 40% amber is too high and 70% is disaster. Again, just from what I've read....


Active Member
I'm just a newbie. First harvest will be in a week. But I've researched that amber trichomes are 90% degraded THC. You are aiming for about 10% amber to maximize cloudy. 40% amber is too high and 70% is disaster. Again, just from what I've read....
you are correct sir. but amber trichomes just give you a different high too. 40% is way to much


Well-Known Member
Well my girl has been butcherd bless her! The smells released were amazing real skunky stench with a good hit of fruit. Wasnt the biggest plant just a first attempt at LST which went amazing may i add. ha thanks for the comments people this is looking to be one of the best smokes Ive had!

Will blaze for you all! :leaf:


Cut your plants Martybutch. It's true that amber is past prime. You'll find more CBN, a degradation product of THC, in dark trichomes. If you're trying to maximize potency, shoot for harvesting before a significant portion turn amber. Some people even cut before a majority turn cloudy. It's true that cloudy is near peak ripeness, but what is unclear is if cloudy is actually slightly past peak ripeness.

This is a tough judgement call that will vary depending on the strain. Say you have a strain that can be chopped anywhere from week 7 to 9.
Week 7: the trichs are 80% clear, 20% cloudy.
Week 8: 40% clear, 60% cloudy.
Week 9: 10% clear, 70% cloudy, 20% amber.

I might chop at week 7.5, unless the plant is the type to pack on 20-25% more weight in its final week, in which case new trichs would be produced along with that extra weight.


Well-Known Member
That plant looked like it had a coupl weeks to go to me. The calyxes weren't swollen, the pistils were young and hadn't receded, It would have fattened up considerably if you waited. Did you check trichomes on the leaves or bud?


Active Member
oooo so close, id say its 40% amber just now, they say---wait for 70% for the best effect, I,d say 2--3 days time, but everyman to his own taste, very nice plants by the way.
I don't see 40% amber right there... looks mostly cloudy to me and clear with some amber. Looks like a nice grow, what was your wet weight?


Well-Known Member
That plant looked like it had a coupl weeks to go to me. The calyxes weren't swollen, the pistils were young and hadn't receded, It would have fattened up considerably if you waited. Did you check trichomes on the leaves or bud?
The trichs were from a sugar leave between the centre of the buds.. I took a few testers from all over the plant bud and leave, All shew the same trich development.. Mainly cloudy a bit amber and not much clear. seemed the right tiem to me :)

I don't see 40% amber right there... looks mostly cloudy to me and clear with some amber. Looks like a nice grow, what was your wet weight?
I never weighed it wet but dry (Needing another week cure) was 22g.. Yes this is a small amount but this grow was done small and fast t test out growing with LST.. Next time i shall be investing in a 400 Watt HPS and vegging for around 6-7 weeks. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I've harvested with some clear Trichome in the past and it wasn't as strong as fully cloudy with a few scattered amber.

Least amber with most cloudy is what I aim for now.
Proof is in the power of the finished product. Try it for yourself!
If you've ever chopped a plant with mostly clear Trichomes, you'd know they are weak.