Tips on Rejuvenation????????/


Active Member
I just harvested and i want to cut clones from one of my monster plants and am trying to Rejuvenate it any tips on anybody that has done this??


Well-Known Member
If you have already cut down your plant, the chances of cloning a cutting at this point in time are not very good. Prior to harvesting your plant you are able to take clones although taking them that late in flower is not advisable. I successfully take clones up to about the 6th week in a 12 week flower, but even at that long into the flower stage rooting times are much longer and then the actual regrowth of the plant takes longer to achieve normal growth again.
Rejuvenation of a plant means that you have left some bud sites on the plant. Doing this takes time but is worthwhile if you like the plant. I only have done this a few times just for sh*ts and giggles, take your plant and set it under 24/0 light and it will in time resprout. Good Luck and Happy Growing