tips of freshly planted clone curled...


Active Member
Just planted these 4 clones 4 days ago, I was wondering if anyone knew why my blue dream is curling like that when the jesus OG right next to it is clearly thriving. same soil FFHF, same conditions, haven't added anything but some plain water to get the medium wet.

is the intensity of the light too much? Over watering? Or can the soil be too hot for the clones for the first few days?



Well-Known Member
I would just chill.
It is a new planted clone after all, roots will get going soon enough.
It looks like it's drooping more just due to the size of the leaf compared to the others.
Different strains react differently.
If it doesn't improve ( straighten out ) in a week or so I would start wondering, but not now.

EDIT I do the see the N curve. But it should be fine. The soil might be a little hot for that strain but a mini flush can easily fix it. (Just double the next watering )
With your size pots it should burn through the nutes quick enough.
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