Tips if have to harvest!? To Early!


Active Member
Hey, Im new here so... HI..But I got a lease is up for my appt and am moving so Im forced to harvet my plants in a week max and there's only 5 females (femanized seeds) about 12 inches high. Toss them here?? There only going on 5 weeks under HPS 250 watt lamp. I was thinking hash? toss, smoke or go 9/15 on light??? Ive had light on 24 hours for 2 weeks than 12/12 till now. :confused: help.

Thx all, Peace


Well-Known Member
I can tell you one thing, 9/15 isn't going to help you at all. Reducing your light schedule will not speed your flowering process. You've already started flowering, and have been the last 3 weeks right?

If you're growing an indica dominant plant, you could have as little as 5 more weeks of flowering until you're done. A sativa could take another couple of months, maybe two and a half.

It isn't impossible for you to keep your plants on the same schedule they are on during a move, provided you're not moving cross country or anything. It just depends on whether you think it's worth it to try and keep the plants going, or scrap them and start all over. Personally, I'm against murdering perfectly good females for no reason, but that's just me man.


Well-Known Member
If ur plants are only 12" high then it'll be easy to move them. Doesnt really matter if moving interferes with their light cycle for only 1 day. Just get a big box and stick them in.
Yeah sticking them on 9/15 will only lower ur yield and potency. It may speed it up by a day tho