tiny sprouts, with pics! suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hey weird question I guess, but im wondering if light could be stressing out my friends plants or something..

I will post a few pics when I get a some from my friend
First thing to note, is they are all 3 only about a inch tall.. 2 of them are already on their 4-5th set of leaves..

He has have 4 -75w CFLs on them.. 2 2800k, and 2- 75w 6500k's.. Crossing eachother, and plants between the lights. They are pretty much directly under the lights, and just off to the side a bit.. Still lights are level with the tops..

He have a fan blowing directly on them, mostly for heat reasons so he can keep them as close as possible.. He have it on high because he think he have been overwatering them a bit..

First plant came up around xmas EVE. So thought that would be a nice name (if it turns out to be a female..hope hope!) Popped right up like a day after planting the rooted.. So He expected very fast growth..

Well didnt do much at all, then started turning yellow.. He found out this was from the medium I was using was totally wrong.. Was much to alkline..
Well anyways after a few days the green has returned..(thank god) he didnt totally kill it..
He has been having soo much trouble getting sprouts, now we know why..
We live over seas, and thought a soil mix with "organic" (only english on the label btw)would be good enough...
Wont make that mistake again..

Both others were also able to sprout in this bad "organic" mix.. All were transplanted right away.. "Eve" was in the soil atleast a week or so, maybe a little over a week.. Was totally yellowed..
The other 2 plants were not yellowing when he got them into new soil..
One is doing very very well.. Actually just as big as "Eve" and was planted a week or so later..

Back to the reason I wondering if the light is too close..
I know you keep it closer to keep it from streching.. So far they have NOT streched ONE bit...
I have never seen plants SOOO small with so many sets of leaves...
We always expected to see "some" streching abit..
Im only worried because I just havent seen anything like this before..
I mean a inch tall plant with 5 sets of leaves, is a new sight to my eyes..
The leaves are very tiny too..

When these first broke the ground, and opened, the first true leaves were already growing..

So is this normal, or could my lights be a bit too close?

Well my friend has a fan blowing directly on them, and the blubs are cool to the touch.. So I know it isnt too hot..

Getting nutes, and proper soil was hard, since its all in a different language.. Not sure to know what you are getting, until after you try it out..

I got a few pics off him to post, and see what people think..
I have never seen plants so small, yet have so many sets of true leaf on them..

He included a ruler in a few of the pics as reference.. On that note its always 1 inch shown in the background..
So think about one inch, and then think about seeing tiny plant with 5 sets of leaves.. NO space between.. At only one inch :confused: Now is going on 3 weeks or so old..

The first set of pics is of the first sprout to come up.. Named "Eve" cause it came up on xmas eve..

The next pic, came up a week or so later, and is just about as big..
It was in the bad orgainc mix less time then "Eve".. So wasnt as harmed by the high pH of the first soil mix.. (2 weeks or so old)

This one is very very odd.. It is very small.. All are much smaller then anything I have seen before.. This one, is about half the size of the first 2..

It is however going on its 3 or 4th set of true leaves.. For somereason they soo small..

This one was only about 2 days old before it was put in pH friendly soil.. So I guess bad, pH and transplant shock really messed it up..
It is getting back on track..
Nice new growth, and greenage back in the leaves..

Any ideas or suggestions?
Has anyone ever seen plants an inch tall almost 2 weeks old, and 4-5 sets of leaves before:confused:


Well-Known Member
they look like they had a shock and are recovering nicely. nice and tight - hardly any stretch - very good.


Well-Known Member
When or will they start getting bigger?

I mean "Eve" is almost 3 weeks old..
Its only about 1.5 inches tall, and leaves are smaller than a fingertip.

Its weird I never seen such small leaves, on a young plant..

Only on a flowering plant have I seen leaves this small..

They will be little tanks if they keep growing like this.. Staying so tight, and compact as they have been so far..

We're just used to seeing a 3 week old plant getting close to 5 or so inches atleast...

Is it ok to start them on some 1/3-1/4 strength nutes?
Im only using "potting soil" ..
It was only english on the bag..
The other bag I got that was labled "organic" is what screwed up the plants to begin with..
pH was much too high..
This potting soil has a nice low pH..

Only other thing my friend has done was sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon or maybe less of used dried coffee grounds around the base of them..
Heard it was good organic source of Nitrogen, but not too much..

Also added crushed eggshells..
Heard it could help pH to some degree.. Also add calcium.

Cant find any lime here..
The lack of grow supplies really has made this hard for him to get started..
Seems like things are starting to fall into place, luckily

LaMafia 781

New Member
it happend to me wen i used a 12.000k bulb wich is way out of the right kelving for veg its for marine plants really blue
i got the right bulb i planted new seeds and they growing crazy mine were about 2 weeks and lookd like yours
i'm using a 400 mh i never used cfl's so idk maybe u should just use daylight 6k veg and use 3k for flower but i read is good to use both but they were talking about mh and hps


Well-Known Member
Yes I think using both cant hurt.. Just a bit more blue in veg, and more red in flowering should do good..
Will see how it all works out ;)