Tiny Buds?


Here are some more pictures with the lights on. The flash from my camera made it look a lot greener than it was. I've got as many bud sites as exposed as they can be but I heard trimming during flowering would slow things down.

What do you thing regarding the harvest window? Am I pretty much stuck with these tiny things or is there nothing I can do?


Mr black thumb

Well-Known Member
Is it 6 weeks since 12-12 or 6 weeks since buds started to show? You have approximately 4 weeks left and in those weeks a lot will happen I wouldn't stress mix a tablespoon non sulphur molasses per gallon every watering and if your lights are on during the day next grow have lights on at night 90 degrees is to warm growth slows around 85 degrees


Is it 6 weeks since 12-12 or 6 weeks since buds started to show? You have approximately 4 weeks left and in those weeks a lot will happen I wouldn't stress mix a tablespoon non sulphur molasses per gallon every watering and if your lights are on during the day next grow have lights on at night 90 degrees is to warm growth slows around 85 degrees
Awesome, I've adjusted my lights to be right up on those mo'foes, I think they were way to far away. 6 weeks since 12/12. Because I'm growing in coco coair and alternate watering nutrient and regular water should I add molasses to both nutrient and regular water?
My lights are on during the day but what would be the best way to switch them without fucking up the light schedule?
Also how do you "like"post on here, I can't find the button
what Psyphish said......I had a conversation this morning with someone concerning CFL's also.
I don't like'em.....better off with an LED if cost of fixture is the issue.

Mr black thumb

Well-Known Member
Use it every time you water or feed I mix it in a coffee cup in warm water till it dissolves then pour it in your jug.
I wouldn't change your light cycle now wait till next grow. Since your lights are on in the day keep your door open if possible a good flow of air will help the temps but you need to get them down my room is 78 degrees lights on with rh at 48 to 56 depending on if I water or not and light out I like it cold about 65 or lower if I want to bring the purple out. You can poke holes in the top of your pots and use string to tie some branches down and open the canopy up just go easy lol.
And last but very important grow what you know.... order seeds from a reputable company (the vault, herbies or midweeksong) do not order from haze.io dudes a douche bag. try some white widow x big bud cross by 00 seeds it is a bad ass plant or moneymaker by strain hunters both very very easy to grow great results with a 8 week flower time. Some strains take up to 12 and 13 weeks or more to finish and that's just to Damn long. Looks good my friend and my last bit of advice is don't get anxious let your plants finish get a loop or download a microscope app on your phone to check your trichs if you have no access to that wait till your red hairs start to retract and curl in you will have lower leaves starting to yellow and read the curing forums the weed when cured right will be twice as good.