Timer was Changed during Flowering


Active Member
Houston we have a problem.

So we are 1 week into flowering and our breaker that runs to the grow room tripped during the light cycle one night. Well we replugged it the next night at the time the light is supposed to come on, however forgot to reprogram the timer. Unfortunately the light has been on 3 days constantly and we just found out. :(

Besides some leaf burn (due to the constant heat of our 400 watt HPS light) what will this do to our crop? Will it be okay?

We have been watering the plants that need watered every night (we use a moisture meter and do every other with nutes/grow boost) so it's not like their waterings have been off too. We just didn't realize that while we weren't in there during the day...the light was still on.

Please Help Us! :peace:

Grow Facts:
-14 Soil planted bag seeds
-One week into flowering
-Use Bloom nutes every other watering
-400 Watt HPS

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
No problem...

just get it back to 12/12 and be super strict from here on out.. no peaking or showing people who say.. OH COME ON JUSTA QUICK PEEK... fook those chumps.. iloveyou

you should not be watering everyday...



Active Member
No No...we don't water every plant every day. We check every plant every day with the moisture meter and water the ones that are dry.