Time it takes to reveg


Well-Known Member
I see it asked a lot how long it takes to reveg and since i just did again it i figure ill share what it took.
I chopped about 20 days ago, and put the lights on 24hr. Left it alone a few days, maybe a week? When it needed water i gave it straight water after that time. Then left it alone about another week. After that time was up i gave it a pretty heavy shot of grow nutrients, the buds darkened up, the remaining fan leaves turned dark green, and within a few days i had bright green new growth. That was about a week ago. Today the new shoots are between 1 and 3 inches long.

When i harvested i left the bottom 3rd or so of buds to revegg. You can leave less, but its been my experiance that the more you leave the faster and easier it goes.

Ill wait about 2 more weeks then start taking clones from the top of the plant and prune it back down to level out the canopy, this was a very large plant for indoors, grown in a 32 gallon pot. Smaller plants work the same though, maybe even easier because headroom isnt as much of a issue.