Time from germination to veg?(Not much info on the first few weeks out there)

I have not found much material on the time from germination to veg and am looking for more info on this period.

I germinated the seeds a week and 2 days ago and they broke through the top of the Rockwool Cubes about three days ago or so. They are kind of not really doing much right now. The leaves are still together and have not shed the husk yet. How long should they take from breaking ground until they open the 2 starter leaves and then until the first ceratted leaves?
I have them under light and have been wattering them every day.

When can I start putting them into the DWC and start them on the Dynagro Nuts?



Well-Known Member
you can spray the sprouts with water wait a minute then carefully remove the seeds or remaining husk.you should see your first 5 fingered leaves at about day 7.baby leaves then single blade leaves then 3 or 5 fingered leaves,under good conditions.I don't grow dwc but you probably wanna wait a little but before transplanting and I wouldn't use any nutes until it grows its first set of 5 fingered leaves
you can spray the sprouts with water wait a minute then carefully remove the seeds or remaining husk.you should see your first 5 fingered leaves at about day 7.baby leaves then single blade leaves then 3 or 5 fingered leaves,under good conditions.I don't grow dwc but you probably wanna wait a little but before transplanting and I wouldn't use any nutes until it grows its first set of 5 fingered leaves
When you say "Day 7" is that 7 days from the seed breaking open or 7 days from breaking through the soil?


Well-Known Member
The seeds should crack open under the soil,the soil helps rub the shell off on its way thru the soil to the light.If its still on you can help it off like I mentioned before.So when it breaks the soil to day 7 to answer your question.


Well-Known Member
You could do what lots of other peeps (not this site, of course) and count the first four weeks as "seedling" stage, and then post a pic of your two foot tall, three week old plant. But to answer your question, yes it is very slow going at this stage, I transplant when the taproot is about three inches long and go very easy on the nutes when you decide to start giving them.