Ths is what real Afghan Hash looks like...(Pics)


Well-Known Member
That was our standard way to smoke hash back in the late seventies, early eighties. We'd (foolishly) use a 'bic' biro tube. Problem was, after three or four spots you'd start leaning in too close and the end of the biro would start to melt. Otherwise, we'd just warm some and crumble it into our rollies.
With oil, we'd wipe it through either tobacco or some bud.
I think that if oil or hash was as easy to get for us as bud, we'd be smoking hash or oil all the time.
Over here in the UK hash is the most common form of smoke available. And its very cheap for what you get. I can buy nine ounces of hash for 500 euro where as an oz of weed gos for 280 to 350 regardless of strain or quality. We don't get brick weed though. Since I started growing I don't come across hash as often but it is still easily available. Weed in comparison is so much more expensive. People aren't really educated on strains or grow methods etc etc...


New Member
This Hash transformed me!! I managed to get hold of some of the last couple of grams of afghan hash.
Color: Black on the outside,brown inside.
Smell: Spicy to very spicy.
Taste: Very spicy, somewhat harsh on the throat.
Effect:Very strange sort of an awaken relaxation.It hits me violently after the first 6 to 7 tokes.

can any body know " what is gardha, common word use for Charas in pakistan, i hear that it is the best form of charas ?


Active Member
on the east coast, hash is so rare that you couldn't talk someone into buying it. most people here have never seen it before. I have to make my own BHO or ISO.