throwing in 0/48 lighting during flowering


Well-Known Member
if i did 0/24 or 0/48 like once a week would this help or hurt? because people have talked about 2 days of darkness to start the flowering cycle.... and as far as i know the buds are produced at night... any ideas?would there be problems because the plant wouldn't have enough energy to make the buds?


Well-Known Member
Plants still need light .I start nearly all my flowering period with 72 hours of darkness all this does is hurrys the plant along it goes into flower alittle quicker but you will not getmor bud the more darkness that you give a plant.Bud is produced during both periods never heard anything like this one tou are going to end up with a one pipe crop or a dead plant stop grow right man 12/12on/off for 12 week depending on strain and how you are growing.