Those Legal Highs... do they work?


Well-Known Member
when I bought the fake shit it came with a hash sample that tasted pretty good... has anyone tried that?


I recently had to stop burning for a UA. i bought some shit at a local head shop that blew my mind. it wasn't salvia for sure, he calls it TS. i swear that shit got me blown.


Well-Known Member
im wondering how these legal highs actually get you high seeing as how cannabinoids go straight to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain which gets you high, how do these things work?


Active Member
All the legal highs are is some crazy mix of some nasty ass herbs that really shouldn't be smoked. Someone must just like sit an a room with a ton of different herbs and once they find one combination that works they come up with a name that never relates to the product and they sell it, but yeah actual bud is so much better

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
They say with "legal highs" (like fake cocaine and ecstacy and stuff) its actually SAFER to get the ILLEGAL one coz that way if anything happens to you they more-or-less know what chemicals are in it and how to counteract them...hell, think about the "bath salts" coke stuff - theres some wierd chemicals in it which COULD cause or react to dangerous allergies unheard of in the person before...

But legal WEED - again, I dunno whats in it so y' least if its PROPER weed I know what I'm getting